Chapter Five: Y/N

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I was making my way back from McDonalds and decided to park outside the park and chill while i eat. It was really rainy, seemed like a storm was coming in. I pulled in a parking lot and parked, turning my car off. I unbuckle my seatbelt and grab my sandwich and unwrapped it, starting to eat.

Soon as i was almost halfway done with this, i stared out into the park and seen a girl sitting there. Why would she be it's raining really bad, maybe she needed help. Maybe i could be a good person for once and see if the needed help. but what if it was a crackhead.... I think i'll be okay, i'll bring my pocket knife with me.

I grabbed my knife, stuck it in my pocket and got out my car. I made my way over and soon grew more aware of who this girl was. I started to approach her fast and was now behind her.

"Hey" she jumped and turned around. Scared her lol.

"You scared me oh my god" She laughed with her hand on her chest. I gave a small laugh.

"I'm so sorry, i was just eating and seen someone out here and was gonna ask if you were okay" I said wiping my face that had raindrops falling on. She smiled and looked around.

"Yeah i'm supposed to be waiting for my ride" The way she had with words, like she was confident yet hurt. I could notice anyones tone and feel their energy.

"I can give you a lift if that's okay? I'm not doing anything i mean it's the least i can do" I said. She looked around one more time and stood up, her perfume had a wave that hit me.

"Okay, I'll get a ride from you" And with that, we started walking back to my car. I smiled inside knowing i had hopefully made an alliance with someone here, and maybe i can get to know her more.

I unlocked my Mercedes and we both got in. I buckled up and put the key in the ignition, turning it on and music turned on. I quickly turned it down, embarrassed.

She looked over at me with a smile and turned it back up. "No need to turn music down, i love it" She said. I smiled and started backing up, leaving the park.

"Can i connect my phone?" She asked.

"Sure" I said.

I still had to ask for her name, but before, im guessing it was something beautiful and unique like Alina or Luna. I could tell she was a die hard Latina.


I couldn't believe i was in her car. And i still didn't know her name. But i did have the aux cord. Maybe i'll lighten up the mood and play some music. I clicked on Freak by Doja Cat and started to sing.


She started playing Doja Cat. We had that in common, and i liked it. I looked over to her as she sang and danced in a seductive way. She rolled the windows down and i kept taking looks, of course my eyes on the road. But i wanted to watch her do it all.

She then stuck her top half of her body out and arched against the window. Okay, but she was sexy. The music made it even more intense and it was like i was already in love with her vibes.

I was so attracted to her, even if it meant to get one kiss. It was hard to hold back. Soon enough though, We were at a stop light and she got back in and started laughing rolling the window up.

"What's so funny?" I asked curiously. She smiled.

"That was the best time i had, i love the rain equally as to music. And a Lady looked at me weird so that was funny too" I laughed a little. She had a sense of humor for sure.

"So where do i turn from here?"

"Just turn right up ahead and we are there" She said. I nodded and the light turned greened, So i made my way all the way up and turned.

"Okay this is it" I pull over on her side so she didn't have to be in the road. She grabbed her wet backpack and opened her door, but i couldn't let her go without knowing her name.

"WAIT!" I said. She looked back at me, her expression looked confused.

"I never caught your name" I said shyly while itching my neck. So obvious Y/N really. She smiled once more.

"It's Maddy, I'll see you at school" She got up and with that, she ran her way inside. Her Vanilla fruity scent was still lingering in the car. I sat there and smiled to myself for a little bit. I then made my way home from her house.


I lock my car and head inside, seeing Sophie playing on the Wii. She looked back and squealed.

"Y/N!" she screamed running towards me. I loved my little sister with all my heart, i was always going to protect my baby.

"Hey Soph! How's my baby girl" I tickle her and she starts laughing like a hyena. I laughed and let her continue to play the Wii.

"Sissy play with me please" She stuck her bottom lip out. How could i ever say no, smh.

"Soon baby girl i gotta talk to mommy" I kissed her head before she ran off again. I walked around the house, calling for mom.

"In here!" She yelled. I walked in the laundry room and seen her doing laundry.

"Hey ma" I said hanging around. I wasn't going to tell her about Maddy because, well, she would never accept it. She always talked about me being straight and how it's bad and blah blah blah i could do whatever i wanted and love who i wanted.

"How was your first day, Honey?" She asked. I shrugged and walked out with her as she put a load in the dryer.

"It was okay, i met a new friend"

"Who is this friend?" She asked smiling. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not a guy, mom" She laughed.

"Honey, even if it was it's totally okay" Once again, rolled my eyes because it wasn't a fucking guy.

"Mom can you stop being so fucking difficult? If it was a guy you would know. Fuck" As you could tell, i had issues. Anger issues, most. I was a angry person with a life everyone thought was perfect that wasn't. I used to be in therapy for it but grew better and ever since my brother died, it was worse.

Ethan was my older brother, who would be 18 right now. A car hit him when he was riding his bike when he was 13 and i was 12. I was put through a lot, losing my almost twin so fast. He was my world, my brother, the only one who understood me.

He always watched after me , after bullies, after i hurt myself. He would sneak down off our twin bed and tell stories and would wipe my tears when i was sad if mom yelled at me. He was my protector, and that was all gone.

"Y/N, i'm thinking about putting you in therapy again" Mom said. It made me so angry everytime she mentioned it.

"Mom-" i was soon cut off by the door bell ringing. I look over at mom who seemed to be confused.

"I'll get it" I said. I walked over and opened to the door to Rue and i think her mom. She looked so young to be a mom but i could be wrong.

"Welcome to our neighborhood new neighbors!" The lady said. I looked over and seen Rue's eyes were big. I smiled, inviting them both in. This was super lovely, i lived next to Rue!


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