Chapter 26

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The last twelve months had been a period of many firsts for Hannah and Tariq.

Even though she never thought that she would be a mother, now that Hannah had her own family, she could not picture her life any other way now. Tariq was the perfect partner for her and her was an even more amazing father to their son.

The joys and challenges that came with parenthood were an experience that they would not trade for anything.

Similarly, Mikayla, Damien had settled in nicely as well.

The twins had been allowed to go home six weeks after they were born. Thankfully, there were no major complications. Kamdyn and Kaelyn flourished just as Dr. Knowles had said they would and it had been a pleasure to watch the two of them grow.

There was so much to learn and Hannah and Mikayla enjoyed their new roles as mothers.

Of course, Mikayla had been over the moon that she was able to share her experiences with her best friend and they both helped and supported each other. Likewise, Tariq and Damien were wonderful fathers and they were very much present during everything.

Since the children were all born on the same day, their parents were basically raising them as siblings.

The quartet wanted their children to grow up knowing what real friendship was like. Wanting them to experience a bond like what their parents shared. Not to mention the love and attention they all received from their respective grandparents.

Mikayla's mother Cynthia moved in with them for a few months to help with the twins. Tariq's parents also came over for a few weeks to render their assistance as well. There was no shortage of love and support when it came to Zayn, Kamdyn and Kaelyn.

Even Hannah's father Robert had reached out to her and congratulated her after she had given birth. He claimed to want to be a part of his grandson's life and after thinking it over, Hannah agreed to allow her father to prove himself. Robert may not have been around much in her life, but as he was an older man now, perhaps he had grown wise to the importance of family. Marcia tried to reach out as well, but Hannah did not want her anywhere near her son as she was still an alcoholic who clearly had no plans on changing her behaviour.

Today was August 15th and the children's first birthday.

Hannah, Tariq, Mikayla and Damien were throwing a joint birthday party. A tradition that they would follow through with for as long as the children would allow. Mikayla's voice was suddenly heard, bringing Hannah out of her thoughts.

"Hannah! Did you find the candles?" Mikayla came running into the kitchen of the penthouse.

Shaking her thoughts away, Hannah smiled, "Yea! Damien did not put them where he said he did."

"Ugh, men!" Mikayla chuckled before asking, "Are you okay? You look like you've been daydreaming."

"I was... I can't believe that this is my life now."

Mikayla hugged Hannah to her and said, "Believe it bestie, we are living the dream! I mean sure, those men of ours can drive us crazy sometimes, but we wouldn't trade them for anything. Not to mention the beautiful family they've given us."

"Well, there's no denying their dick game," Hannah grinned knowingly.

"Oh you!" Mikayla playfully rolled her eyes then added, "Speaking of reproductive organs, I overheard Damien talking to Tariq the other day, asking about when there would be another baby Maalouf on the way. Are you guys thinking of having another baby soon?"

Sputtering, she replied, "Err, I'm not opposed to the idea, but honestly, I'm more than happy with just having Zayn for now. But maybe in a few years, who knows what can happen."

Mikayla nodded and said, "Makes sense, I love the twins but two babies are definitely more work than one."

"You're doing such a great job though."

"So are you."

A sudden flush spread across Hannah's cheeks as she asked, "Do you really think so?"

Mikayla knew that her best friend often doubted herself, worrying that she was not a good enough mother. But she was always there to reassure her, just as Hannah did the same for her.

With her arms still around Hannah, Mikayla tightened her hold and said, "You're doing an amazing job! You were born to be a mother, trust me, you give Tariq a chance, he'll have you pregnant every year."

Hannah snorted, "Oh Gods no!"

The two friends laughed they walked back into the large living room.

The birthday celebrations were taking place in Hannah and Tariq's new home. They had bought a lovely detached six-bedroom home with a great yard that was thirty minutes away from Mikayla and Damien, located near Primrose Hill.

Though knowing Hannah, she was already eyeing the house next door. As soon as it became vacant, she would insist on Mikayla and Damien moving so that they could all be closer together.

The room got quiet as Hannah and Mikayla lit the candles on the cake while Tariq and Damien held the children.

Zayn was growing up nicely and from his long limbs it was obvious that he would be tall when he got older. In the end he ended up taking Hannah eyes, the orbs were a striking blue, coupled with the thick dark hair of his father. Everyone stated that he would definitely be a lady's man. He was a very active child who enjoyed crawling around, Zayn always had his parents running after him.

Similarly, the twins were growing up strong and healthy and were just as energetic as Zayn, keeping Mikayla and Damien on their toes. They had slight natural tans to their skin that contrasted nicely with their blue-green eyes, although Kaelyn's eyes were a bit more intense than that of her brother and father. They both had a full head of brown hair, and where Kamdyn's hair was straighter and more chestnut brown in colour, his sister's hair was more of a honey brown and had a few loose curls in-between. Kamdyn and Kaelyn were fraternal twins and while they were not identical, one would definitely know that they were siblings.

In the end, all three children were a nice mix of their parents and anyone who saw the trio together immediately fell in love. From the moment they could crawl, they became inseparable. Kaelyn seemed to be the ring leader as she often squealed and threw stuffed toys at the boys, keeping them in line.

As the adults sang Happy Birthday, the children's soft giggles could be heard as they squealed and smiled. The light from the candles hypnotising their gaze.

"I can't wait to have another baby with you," Tariq whispered in Hannah's ear as she served cake to the guests.

Blushing slightly, she shot him a sly look before kissing his nose and said, "Keep it in your pants caveman."

"I promise nothing," he grinned back.

She had no idea what the future held for them, but Hannah knew that with Tariq by her side, everything would be just fine. A small smile played on her lips as she enjoyed being surrounded by people who loved her and who she loved in return; she really could not ask for anything more.

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