Chapter 7

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The light of the morning sun peeked through the blinds as Hannah slowly began to rise from her sleep. Before she fully opened her eyes, she realised that she was encased in a pair of strong, lightly bronzed arms.

The faint scent of Tariq's body invaded her nostrils, causing her eyes to open suddenly. They laid naked together, her back firmly pressed against his chest. She could feel the hardness of his morning erection poking against her upper thigh. Slowly wiggling herself against him, she tried to break free from his embrace.

"Stop moving like that," Tariq's voice was husky as he mumbled.

His tone was still laced with the sound of sleep. He had been up for a few minutes, enjoying the feel of Hannah in his arms. As he felt her try to twist away, his arms tightened around her body as he snuggled into her even more. He buried his nose into her hair, inhaling her scent as though committing it to memory.

Hannah could not help the sigh that escaped her as Tariq nuzzled into her, he felt good. She had not slept in the same bed with a man since Oscar. The sudden realisation of this made her eyes widen further as she instantly became fully awake.

"Wait a minute! Tariq, how did you end up in my room?" Hannah asked as she tried once again to get out of his hold.

Groaning softly, he shifted himself so that he was suddenly on top of her. His hips gently nudged her legs open so that he could settle in between her thighs. He looked down at her face and smiled. He felt her heat against him and resisted the urge to take her right there and then. His upper body was propped up using his elbows, while his forearms were situated on each side of her head.

Tariq began to speak, amusement in his voice, "Well, it all started last night in the kitchen when we..."

Interrupting him, she said, "I know what we did!" her face starting to flush a little.

Hannah could still feel the delicious throbbing in between her thighs, evidence of what they had been up to. She wrapped her legs around his waist as her hands came to rest on his shoulders. Thoughts of last night threatened to overwhelm her as she did her best to not let her mind wander off. Tariq's smile grew wide at her words, and his pupils dilated as he seemed to replay the night in his head as well.

With a sigh she continued, "What I want to know is why you're in my bed? Why didn't you go back to your room?"

It was clear to Hannah that she had passed out after her sixth or seventh orgasm. She was not sure as she had lost count, exhaustion having taken her over. Actually, she had not expected to fall asleep as suddenly as she had, but her body had been blissfully fatigued. In truth, Hannah could not remember the last time she had enjoyed such a deep and restful night's sleep.

"I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to? Besides, you looked so peaceful and beautiful, it was hard for me to leave. Not to mention you wore me out so I sort of knocked out soon after myself," he said simply.

With another sigh, she brought her hands down his torso, enjoying the feel of his lean muscles as well as the soft, trimmed hair of his abdomen. She could feel her arousal growing as she caressed his skin. Biting her bottom lip, Hannah slowly moved her hands back up to stroke his chest before her fingers moved to play with the hair of his short beard. A small smile played on her lips as she idly traced some of the scattered grey strands.

Hannah could not deny that it had felt good to wake up next to him. There was something deep within her that was attracted to Tariq in ways that she did not really understand. There was a need to feel him inside of her again and his hardness resting deliciously against her slit was very tempting. She did not see the point in denying herself what she craved. Hannah was not one to beat around the bush and mince her words, so she just said what was on her mind.

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