Chapter 2

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Hannah smiled excitedly as she left the elevator and entered the foyer of the penthouse suite where her best friend Mikayla lived with her fiancé Damien. Her fingers eagerly gripped the dark-coloured shopper's bag that she carried in her left hand.

"Mikayla honeeeey! I'm home," Hannah sang out loudly.

A loud melodious laugh was heard from the down the hall. With a big smile on her face, Hannah walked towards the kitchen where she knew Mikayla would be. As she rounded the corner, she had to stop for a second to admire the woman before her.

Mikayla had been through a lot in the last sixteen months, having nearly died in a terrible accident. Her flawless brown skin had healed. No visible scars were apparent and her lovely, dark, curly hair had grown back out to almost reach its original length.

It would be an understatement to say that Hannah was proud of the strides that her best friend had made. She could not help but admire her strength and determination, especially when it came to learning how to walk again. Damien had been at her side every step of the way and Hannah could not be happier that Mikayla had found such an invested and loving partner.

As she entered the kitchen, her eyes shifted to an assortment of trays that was laid out on the kitchen island. Seeing the food that was on display, Hannah could not help but squeal as she placed the bag on one of the back counters. She moved to hug Mikayla tightly, playfully swatting her big round ass.

"I just love Trini Thursdays! Where's that sexy man of yours?" Hannah asked as she kissed her cheek.

With a smile Mikayla replied, "Damien is still overseas in Italy, he should be back on Saturday."

"I bet you can't wait for him to return. I know you've been missing that penissssssss!" Hannah teased before asking, "What's on the menu today?"

Shaking her head slightly, "I made one of your favourites, Coconut Bake and Buljol."

Clapping her hands happily, Hannah's blue eyes widened, "I love you Miks! I brought you some éclairs," she said indicating to the shopper's bag behind them.

"Is there some sort of conspiracy between you and Damien? At the rate the two of you are going I won't be able to fit into my wedding dress!" Mikayla huffed as they plated their dinner.

Hannah shook her head, "Please, with that ass? Anything you wear will look amazing! No matter what size you are. I know that D-Man will agree with me on that. Speaking of weddings, I met with five hotels for the week so far.

"Five? Damn you weren't kidding about sorting things quickly." Mikayla hummed as she swallowed a bit, "Find anything of worth?

"I must confess that Mr. Rochford of the Crimson Monarch Hotel had a delightful cock. I'd always wondered what he had been hiding between those legs of his," she replied with a grin.

Mikayla suddenly choked on her drink, her dark brown eyes opening wide, "Hannah!"

Shrugging slightly as her grin broadened, "What? All work and no play makes for a grumpy Hannah. Besides, I've always thought that he was sexy as hell and you know what happens when I drink white wine. However, his hotel is beautiful. It's one of my top choices so far."

"Oh, geez woman! Good to know something productive came out of that meeting at least." Mikayla laughed, as she asked, "Is he going to be the lucky one to make the cut to get a repeat performance?"

Winking she replied, "You know I haven't had sex with the same man in over three years. After dealing with Oscar, that was it for me and relationships. It's best to just keep things casual."

Mikayla sighed softly. She knew the issues that Hannah was dealing with, especially where her parents were concerned. It pained her to know that her best friend did not see herself as ever being able to sustain a healthy, long-term relationship.

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