Chapter 15

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A few hours later, the beautiful island of Tobago came into view. The white beaches created a lovely contrast against the gorgeous blue waters.

Hannah got lost inthought as the view before her mesmerised her into silence. It was not herfirst visit, but the islands never ceased to amaze her every time she saw them.

Trinidad and Tobago was a beautiful twin-island state, with Tobago being the more touristy of the two. Hannah had always enjoyed coming to the islands with Mikayla. She reminisced on their Carnival trips and, even though Nottingham had its own similar celebration, nothing could beat a Trinidad Carnival. There was just something euphoric and unique about the experience.

Caribbean people were recognised for knowing how to have a good time. This meant that having the smaller wedding in Tobago was really a good idea. Seeing all the preparations that had taken place over the last few months coming to fruition had been very exciting.

Excluding everyone on the jet, a total of seventy people would be attending the wedding. Mikayla's family and friends made up fifty-five of those guests, consisting mostly of family from Mikayla's mother's side, as her relationship with her father and his family had broken down over the years. This resulted in only one aunt from his side attending, who had always remained in contact with her mother Cynthia over the years, and Mikayla always visited her when she visited the islands.

In terms of the physical wedding preparations, Mikayla had decided on having everything catered from the islands itself. The only things that they would be bringing from London were their clothes. All the decorations, as well as the food, were being taken care of by the locals.

Even though Damien had the money to fly in world renounced florists and chefs, Mikayla had stated that they would not be able to give them an authentic Tobago wedding experience, as they would have been outsiders. That, and Mikayla would rather the money go into the pockets of those living on the island itself than some already rich person. Hannah agreed, seeing as the London wedding was proving to become beyond over the top as things progressed.

"Welcome to Tobago!" the announcement from the pilot brought Hannah out of her thoughts.

As they disembarked from the aircraft, they were instantly hit by a wave of warm tropical breeze. The airfield was located right next to the ocean and everyone walked through the small airport, from where a large maxi-taxi would be waiting to take them to the hotel.

Tariq looked around, taking in everything around him. He could not believe that such a small airport handled international flights. After all, the island was only 20km long. He simply could not imagine a Boeing 777-200 landing on that strip. However, he knew it was possible, since there was a weekly direct flight via British Airways to London.

"Is that a chicken?" Mrs. Clemons suddenly spoke up.

She noticed the bird crossing the road and stopping by the door of a fried chicken restaurant and burst out laughing at the irony.

"Welcome to Tobago," Mikayla chuckled, as they all got into the minibus.

They had booked a large portion of a resort that was located next to Pigeon Point beach where the wedding would be taking place. Each hotel room that was reserved had a balcony and gorgeous sea views. The accommodations came with all the amenities, including a huge pool as well as spa services available to the guests. There was also a large restaurant, which featured the same beautiful view of the ocean. The remaining rooms, not occupied by Mikayla and the others, would be used by the rest of the wedding guests who would be coming in later that week.

Seeing as their plane had landed just before 10am, they would spend the rest of Saturday, as well as the Sunday, relaxing while taking in some of the local sights. The real work would begin on Monday and Hannah could not wait to have everything finalised.

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