Chapter 3

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Lisa's POV

"I can't find a shirt in this bag." I said after searching and messing everything even more in the bag.

"How is that possible? Search for black shirt with your eyes wide open." He said in sarcastic tone.

"What do you think I am doing? I am not sleeping while searching for shirt. If you think I don't have good eyes then search for it yourself." I snapped at him making him look at me with frown.

"While driving I cannot give you that service madam. Find it and wear it because I am increasing the speed now and will not wait till you slowly find the shirt. They will come recognizing the car." He said.

"I shouldn't have thrown those rags. Atleast they were covering me fully. I can't find anything to wear in your stupid bag!" I muttered angrily.

"Fine. Take my shirt for now." He said and removed his shirt while handling the steering wheel. I gulped when his chiseled body was exposed.

"Wear it fast! They are speeding towards us." I snapped out of my thoughts and took his shirt and wore is hastily and went back up on the seat.

"Now what we will do?" I asked in fear as I started sweating.

"We will fight them." He said and started speeding his car. I hold on the belt tightly frightened that I might get freedom from life itself today if any accident occurs.

"You said we will fight. You are running away now." I shouted at him.

"We are fighting mad girl. But just not with hands but mind. I don't like to exert myself when I have mind to find the way out." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You have arrogance in equal amount." I muttered under my breath.

"Worked a lot on that too." He said while smirking. How can he hear this too?

"Be ready. The road is empty and I am suddenly going on reverse gear." He said and before I could prepare myself we went and hit the car. I was about to hit my head but was suddenly pulled by him .

"Told you to be prepared." He said as his arms circled around me. I was totally speechless for few moments with all the shocks that I have received. And also due to coming in contact with his upper naked body. I felt my body betraying me and melting in his rugged hands.

"You didn't even give me a second to prepare myself." I muttered against his chest.

"Agreed." He said and looked at car's back.

"I think we are safe. They were not prepared for this counterattack and were increasing the speed as I increased mine. Stupids are almost flat on ground." He said making me look at car of those men totally ruptured with everyone groaning in pain from injury or lying on the road.

"What if police comes and catches you?" I asked him.

"Then I will say that, I was teaching you how to drive the car and you being an idiot that you are changed into reverse gear. I am sure he will believe me." He said shrugging his shoulders while we were still holding each other. As soon as I registered his words I pushed him in anger.

"You!" I started shouting at him but he stopped me.

"Let's go now. I have a lot to do." He said and started his driving again and just then I heard explosion from behind. And our problem is solved. From where he has received this kind of training and expertise? He was just so clean in everything he did now that I will have to admit that I am his fan now.

"What is it that you have to do?" I asked him.

"Business." Aloofness is his prominent feature.

"Which business?" I asked him.

"Just sit quietly and give me some peace." He said in his stern voice which actually has no effects on me.

"I am hungry." I said as we drove for fifteen minutes straight in silence.

"We will reach in sometime. Hold your horses for the time being." I nodded sadly. I was so much in the mood for having pizza. Or maybe be something even more tasty.

"With you looking like a walking scandal and sensual lady, we can't eat outside. Once we reach home, I will order whatever you feel like eating." He said. I think he might have noticed my expressions when I saw pizza places.

"Thanks! So when we will reach?" I asked.

"We are almost there." He said and gestured me to look ahead. In my view, came a mid-sized bungalow. After he parked the car in garage we disembarked from the car and that was when I realized his toned body is sinfully attractive.

"Why you haven't named this bungalow?" I asked.

"Because I don't feel like it." He said with his serious tone.

"Well... This might not have suited. 'Davis Mansion'." I said as he unlocked the door and giving me entry. I looked around the clean and organized house.

"Though 'Vincent's Palace' is much better. Name it that way if you want that." I said but he stayed silent.

"That we will think later. First change into something more better. I have some oversized hoodies that might work for you as of now. And if you want some shopping, I will do that online. And I will order pizza now, you go and have a bath." He said in his stern tone again.

"And you also wear something presentable. Roaming around like this is not good." I said and still my eyes were on his body. My eyes are acting on their own and I am not able stop my eyes to look at him. He is pure seductor without any knowledge of seduction.

"Really? And roaming around in my shirt is good? And that too just my shirt." He asked as he looked at me. Not like look, it should be perfectly looking at someone with interest and amusement and lust. Apparently none of us will deny that but also no one will act on it.

Aloof Detective's Lover ABS#5Where stories live. Discover now