Chapter 11

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Lisa's POV

Peace... Such a small word but people go from hell to heaven but still find it difficult to achieve. But some people experience it even without having much to be proud about.

I am experiencing it! I have no parents or family with me right now. I don't have career that I should boost about. Hell! I am an illiterate!

But just few words from someone has changed my perspective about life. From that day that stupid bitch went away from here I am being more free. Vincent is still hesitant to be more comfortable with me, but he makes me feel that I am not what people think I am. I am not mad but bruised internally. And healing ever so slowly because of him.

He does not makes me feel like I am handicapped or something. Every time when he says that

'Your brother and sister will soon come and then you can go back to safety of your family'

I feel like I should shake him and say that I don't want to go. I know how my brother is going treat me. Like I am made of glass and frankly I don't want that.

That is just an excuse... You don't want leave him!

No! Nothing like that. I am just enjoying freedom here.

Yeah! You are very free! You are not allowed to go out also... See? So much freedom.

Shut up!

Fine... I will! Anyways you already love him.

I scoffed at my subconscious. I must be really mad to scoff at my own subconscious. I smiled while looking at myself in the mirror. Everytime I look at myself, I am transported to that day. The DAY when my caretaker - Ms. Snow met with the real, rude and dangerous Aloof Vincent. I was shocked to see that side of him. One minute he was praising me and second minute he was shouting at her.

But I must say that lady was hard-headed.

"I won't! Whatever business I have with my father is none of your business." She shouted back.

"Then whatever I have with this angel here is none of your business. She can be my lover. She can be my girlfriend. She can even be my wife. And this is my house and my world. You are permanently banned from coming here or anywhere near me!" He said making me look at him in shock. Not just shock but exciting shock. I started imagining myself in all the roles he mentioned. And romantic freak that I am, I fell for him... Then and there.

I don't know what happened next because my mind kept on reeling his words. The more I thought about it, the more I started getting ideas of how things will change if what he said happens. And that made me a tad bit selfish I think.

And I think I deserve it, after living the life that I lived.

A few days ago we baked a cake together... Actually I got to know it was his birthday which he doesn't celebrate. But fortunately I saw his friend's birthday wish on his phone and decided to surprise him with a cake, which I don't know how to bake. I am total zero in that sense.

"Love me like you do... Lala love me like you do." I was singing while making the batter.

"Then add two eggs." I read the next line in the recipe book. I hastily took out two eggs and threw them in the batter.

"Now stir it." I read and looked at the picture of batter.

"But it doesn't look like this." I huffed at the batter. "I am making it the very first time and it is nowhere near like this!" I muttered.

"Because you are mental." I heard him from behind.

When I turned he was standing with his hands inside his pockets of his tracks. And as usual giving me a bored looking face.

"You had to put egg yolk and the whole egg." He said after he came near me and removed the egg from the batter and tapped it on head and put the york in the batter.

He repeated the same with the other egg while I stood there in shock.

"Now it's ready." He said after stirring the batter.

"You should not have come." I said sadly as I remembered that it is his birthday cake and he is helping me.

"Why? Because it's my birthday?" I nodded at him.

"Yes... This cake was supposed to be a surprise for you." I muttered.

"What a surprise it would have been! While eating the cake I would have ate this egg too." I glared at him after hearing his sarcastic remarks.

"I would not have been that bad. I don't have phone otherwise I would have watched the video and made this cake wonderfully." I said while pouting.

"First remove chocolate from your face." He said while he put the batter in the container and placing it in oven.

"You only did this! Why you had to break the egg from my head?" I asked him.

"Because you didn't use your head so I thought I will use it." I glared at his back. He turned and looked at me while I was busy throwing my angry looks.

He came towards me ever so slowly with complicated expressions.

"You didn't clean it yet." He said as he loomed above me making my heart race. I scoffed at his words.

"No." I said while looking at him.

He didn't say anything, just caged me around the counter and pressed his mouth on my forehead making me look at him in daze.

Ever so slowly he opened his mouth without detaching himself from my forehead. Slowly his tongue slide over the skin of my forehead making me feel warm all over. The sensation reached from my tip of the toe to the root of hair.

When he slid his tongue twice, my breath stopped for a second. And third stroke just made me loose my balance.

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