Chapter 6

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Vincent's POV

"Stop this!" I panicked as I heard her. I am already hugging her but this is not calming her down. I don't know what I should do so that she at least gains her sanity back.

"What should I stop? Lisa?" I asked her as I caught her face in my palms. She was crying while her eyes were shut. What happened to her suddenly? She was all fine while watching the movie and all of a sudden she got panic attack.

"It pains! Please stop this." She was weeping and I had no way of calming her down. This is the first time in my life that I don't know what to do. I always handled everything with experienced ease that I don't know how react in this situation. I always have actions ready as per the changes in the situation within my mind.

"Yes... I... I will stop everything. Just calm down. Shh... Sleep now." I muttered softly in her ears. Finally! She looked at peace and slept on my shoulder. I kept on stroking her hair lightly untill her ragged breath turned soft. She was sweating already, so slowly I picked her up and went to the bedroom.

After I helped her laying down on the bed, I brought the heating pad from the living room and kept it on the side table.

"Please... I hate the shock! Stop this! I promise I will not run away...  Please... Please." I heard her voice as soon as I turned. And that made me sit beside her and stroke her hair again.

She was given electric shock! What the fuck happened with her? They have tortured her to lengths. The only thing they didn't do thankfully is... Raping her!


They should die and thank god, I killed few of them that day. Why people have to opt for such atrocities! Running away in her situation was the only thing she could do to save herself from bleak future.

All this time I thought I had hard life. That I am very strong to overcome every hurdle and stood out fiercely, but she outdid me.

"It is paining..." She murmured softly as tears escaped her eyes. I wiped her tears and my own eyes started to blur. I had to blink my tears away.

Because I don't like crying.

"Yes... I will apply medicine. You sleep now." I said while stroking her hair lightly.

"Please... ask them... to never do this..." While muttering she went in a deep slumber.

Maybe that is what she needs right now. A good rest and good food. She is physically very weak too,I realized as I looked at her flat stomach. Her bone ridden hands different issue altogether. There are scars, fresh wounds but this girl has been through it all. But now I will never let her suffer like this again.

I kept on stroking her hair, because I don't know what else should be done. I know she is not mentally ill or retartded, but I know that she has been through a lot in these years.

What I don't understand is why her siblings thought she has gone mad? I will have to dig more deep, because it is clear that things that are deep into the roots are hurting.

I have researched about her father, only his personal dealings. But now I will take his full history out in the open. And all the nodes connected to it will be researched well.

Why? Isn't your work done here?

I groaned as my mind reasoned my desires.

It is for her. She should be protected and I will protect her. At least till the time she is under my care.

I looked at her sleeping form, saw her peaceful looking face. Her long lashes fluttering slightly stroking her cheeks, her pink shaded lip opening and shutting quite adorably in her sleep. I realized, I have never seen such untamed, unorganized and innocent beauty ever.

When I saw her for the first time, stinking, wearing good for nothing rags, looking at me with her big questioning eyes... I had no intention of leaving her. I don't know what I found so attractive at that time, but I guess my heart realized her inner beauty. She does have a good heart and I find her quite strong for not giving up on her life after what she has seen at such tender age.

I found myself almost uncontrollable when I saw her pouty lips looking at pizza's picture. The moment I reached home, I had to give her that pizza. But she is so stupid, it is apparent that she loves pizza but she didn't eat because I was not eating with her! That really surprised me... I am finding it really hard to deny her. I am feeling as if I am born to grant everything she desires. Maybe because I pity her for what she has been through?

Yes that is the reason. What else can it be?

She was living in the prison for most of her life. She was caged and for sure was handled quite ruthlessly. What astonishes me the most is she didn't let go her innocence, hope and will power. Even now a mere action of me eating with het can make her elated. She will be ecstatic when she will see her siblings.

My well sorted life is changed because she made a grand entry in my life.

Everything was too fast but I remember myself cleaning her back. If not for the rush, I would have surely loved taking my time. I remember her cute shocked face when I suddenly looked towards her and she had to cover herself.

Cute? What has gotten into me? Were cute, adorable and shit-like words ever existed in my dictionary?

Urghh! I am not liking this. I cannot work emotionally.

I have to get back on track or else my life will turn upside down. Again.

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