Werewolves don't Run Cold...

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I left the room and started pacing the hall way. My footsteps didn't make a sound as my feet hit the shiny, clean tile. I sighed, Crystal was in good hands, I trusted the people working on her. Her whole pack loved her, my pack already loved her. A small smile edged onto my face with that thought, she wasn't like any of the other women that I have met. She has a commanding presence about her, demanding respect without forcing it, but she treated everyone equally no matter what their true rank is. I looked back towards the door and felt a small pain full at my heart. It was because of me that she was in that room in the first place. I let my lust take over and instead of being proper, she is suffering. Clenching my hands in fists, I felt the rage return to my body in a fiery passion to catch whatever did this to her. With that emotion, I walked briskly back up into the main house, straight for the office. Crystal might be unavailable to lead this pack right now, but there was no way in hell that I was going to leave them defenseless. 'Patrick get our pack moved over here to the SilverFur Pack's territory now. We are going to work with their hunters and trackers to protect both of our lands.' I could feel the sleepiness in his thoughts when he replied, 'Man, why are we moving over there? They have the best fighters and trackers in the country. Why do they ne...' 'BECAUSE SHE WAS ATTACKED! GET HERE NOW!' I lost my patience with him, my Alpha power slipping into my thoughts. Patrick withdrew quickly, almost as if I burned him, 'Yes sir. We will be there shortly. I'll declare a state of emergency.' 'Good. I want this bastard caught and investigated before we know what this threat is.' 'Sir?' 'What is it Patrick.' 'She's your mate isn't she?' 'Yes. Now get your asses here ASAP. I want everyone on high alert.' With that I cut the thought link off.

If that creep or whatever it was that attacked her, was able to get into one of the most powerful packs territories and attack the leader...what would they do to the other packs... I snapped out of my thoughts when Derek walked into the office. He quietly shut the door behind himself. Shooting me a pained expression, "The whole pack is on high alert. They are terrified. Nothing like this has ever happened. She has never been injured like this before." I leaned against the heavy oaken desk, "Who would do this to her..." He shrugged, leaning against the door looking up at the ceiling, "She doesn't have any enemies that I know of, and until you, no one else knew that she is the Alpha outside of the pack."

Can you give me her medical history?" Derek nodded, "Her history is all in the back closet in here." He motioned for me to follow him. After walking between a series of bookcases, conference tables, and some random rooms, we stopped in front of a closet marked Janitor. I put my hand on the door. "I don't know if you will be able to open it." he said, scratching his head. "What do you mean?" I asked him, confused. "She had this safe built that will only allow the leader of the pack and their soul mate to open it. It guards all of the history for everyone in the pack so that an enemy can't get into the records and use our own weaknesses against us." I was taken back, she really had her shit together. "Why aren't you guys ranked number one in the country?" He just gave me a amused expression, "She refused to go to any of the Alpha leader sessions. She said they were a waste of time and her pack needed her more." I nodded in agreement, turned to handle on the closet door, and opened it. Inside was a little room, a mop bucket in the corner, cleaning chemicals in their labeled, ordered location, and posters with cleaning regulations hung up on the wall. I looked back at Derek, "Um. Where's the safe?" He shrugged, "I just know it's back in this room. That's what my dad said. This is the first time that we have had to get into it since CeCe has taken up the position." (Hey Bennett, man wake up. I need help finding these medical records.) I could feel him uncurl from the back of my mind. (Okay, I'm up. What are we suppose to be looking for?) (Just looking for anything that will help locate that safe. We have to know more about her...). "I don't know where the door to the safe would be Alpha." he said, running his hand down the wall. (John...I can feel something.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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