The Searching

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John's POV:

I heard my beta running towards my room, he burst the door down. I turned towards him growling, "What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you incapable of knocking?!" He cringed a little at my words, "Alpha I am sorry, but something is happening at the SilverFur pack's boarder, one of the hunters summoned you to their lookout post." I immideatly tensed, Crystal, she had just left because there was an issue at the border, "Get seven hunters and trackers to join us and put the rest of the hunters on survallience. I want this place on lock down until we get back." He looked at me in shock and then a dawn of understanding filled his face, "Alpha Luna Crystal..." He turned on his heal and let out a huge shout through the mind link 'Hunters up now! Trackers you as well! This land is now on lock down!" I jumped out my window, landing on my feet and then shifted, sitting on my hind legs, I lifted my head up to the sky and howled. Without waiting, I took off for the edge of the woods following the SilverFur's hunters and mine fell into formation behind me. The distance was a short way to travel, though with the thought of my mate being hurt, it felt like hundereds of miles. I cursed myself for not having marked her, then I would have known exactly when she was in trouble. Damn the pride of an Alpha. Bennett made his appearance in my mind, 'John...I can't get in contact with Athena...something really bad has to have happened for that to occur." I ran faster, my stride extending, I no longer needed to follow the hunter, I could smell the path that Crystal had taken and I was going at full speed to reach her.

Almost out of nowhere a huge cabin appeared. I slowed down, shifted, pulled up the boxers and pants that I was handed, and kicked down the cabin door, ready to beat the shit out of whoever hurt my mate. The others in my group showed up a few moments after I did, slightly out of breath, and in full defensive mode. I walked down the hall towards the office. I opened the door and was met with the unwelcome smell of blood and wolfbane. The guys and I looked around in horror, the map on the wall had claw marks down the middle, then laying on the floor in a growing puddle of blood was my mate. Sitting next to her, trying to bandage the wound was one of her hunters. I growled at him, "Get away from her." He looked up at me in horror and backed away quickly. I walked over to her and pulled her against me. She looked up at me, trying to speak, but the only sound to come out was the gasping of air. I looked at Tim, "What happened?" He shook his head snapping out of his thoughts, " I don't really know Alpha. One moment I am talking to Alpha Luna Crystal about some weird sitings we have been having close to this half of the border, then the next she is pushing me against the wall, and a gun went off. I caught her and called for backup but by the time they got here it was too late, the shooter had already escaped so I sent a hunter to get you." I looked at him completly confused, "You were attacked, then you sent a hunter out ALONE to cross into another Pack's territory and you didn't have anyone around protecting the cabin when your Alpha came in?" He bowed his head looking at the floor, he spoke softly, "We don't get many disturbances Alpha Johnathan. The guards were all out patroling. As for the hunter being sent out alone, I was not thinking properly, and was focused more on Alpha Crystal." I shut my eyes trying to calm down, "I want the childeren kept inside the safe room of the pack house with their mothers. Any and all fighters, hunters, and trackers that are fit enough need to be set up to patrol, and I want a doctor here immieadly." Tim nodded, got up, and left, calling out my orders to the higher command.

Crystal stirred slightly in my arms and I pulled her closer to me, careful not to disturbe her wound. She reached up, the effort draining her of a large amount of energy, and carrassed my cheek. I leaned against it a little bit, worried for her. She smiled, a flicker of pain crossing her face, and she started coughing. I looked down in horror as blood started dripping from her lips and soaking the bandage on her wound. Looking into her eyes, I whispered so only she could hear, "I love you Crystal..." Just after saying that, she passed out. Her eyes closed, her hand fell to the side of her body, and her head lulled back. Quickly I got her onto her side, allowing the blood to flow out of her mouth and not back down her throat. I heard footsteps coming down the hall, my group made a defensive formation around me, ready to attack whatever/whoever it was that was about to enter the room. I sniffed the air, but thanks to the wolfsbane, I couldn't smell if they were friend or foe. A knock at the door caught me off guard. "Alpha Johnathan?" asked a femine voice, "Can I come in please sir?" Chris looked down at me and nodded, I looked towards the door, hovering over Crystal's unconcious form, "Come in." The guys tensed up as the door opened.

Alpha Female and Her Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now