Whoops...I didn't mean...

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Crystal's POV

"Come on girls, faster, keep up!" I yelled over my shoulder to some of the women fighters. I heard them pick up their pace, some of them were fighting to keep their breathing even, not something that I wanted to hear. We kept running at full speed until we had ran our boarders about three times and since it was about seventy five miles of boarder, I was ok with them being tired, my wolf and I however, were just getting warmed up. I slowed the run down to a trot when we neared the pack house, 'Ok girls, that's enough training for today. We will start again around nine tomorrow morning for stretches and some hand to hand combat drills. You all did great today, I'll see you in the morning. Dismissed.' They bowed their heads, then took off at a swift pace to the pack house for dinner, then headed to their houses.

I turned on my heals and took off running full speed to a special place.

John's POV

I could hear them training, I was patrolling where our border met theirs for a reason. I just wanted one glance...one chance too get a view of my mate. Then I could go to bed. As luck would have it though, I didn't see her at all, I just got hit with hints of her scent occasionally. I lowered my head, resting it on my paws, 'Way to go Bennett...instead of spending the night with our mate wrapped in our arms, we are stuck watching our boarder praying for a glimpse of her...' 'shut up John...' I could feel Bennett curl up in a protective ball in the back of my mind. I almost felt bad for him...almost. 'Hey dude, you're not going to catch a look of her bro. You should really call it a night.' Chris said, mind linking me. I got up, letting out a huff, 'You're right. I'm going out for a little run. I'll be back in twenty.' 'Ok. I'll put some guards up.'

I stood up, shook, and then took off running. I let my paws carry me away, not thinking of anything, just running.

When I started paying attention, I was at the edge of my border, next to the open area. It was a lake with a waterfall, open medow, and lined with trees on all sides. This was the one place that none of the packs could claim. I spat my clothes out on the ground at the base of a tree, shifted back to my human form, and then slid my boxers and jeans on. I slung my t-shirt over my shoulder and started walking across the open medow, towards the lake. Then something hit me, a wave of smells that were way to good to be true. Bennett perked up in the back of my mind, 'MATE!!!' The stupidest looking grin broke across my face. I looked around like a madman, trying to find her, but I couldn't. I felt dejected, my shoulders slumped as I walked closer to the lake, and something moved on the surface. I perked up again, because this time, I saw her. Her back was facing me, she was standing up, half out of the water, her long brunett hair, made black by the water, was across one shoulder, her back was toned, her top hugging her skin, with her swim bottoms, barely covering her small butt. I bit my lip, resisting the urge to run to her, and wrap her in my arms. Then the wind picked up, blowing my scent to her, as she breathed it in, I watched her body stiffen in responce, all carefree motions and feelings gone from her as she turned her body to face me.

Crystal's POV

I was sooo happy! Finally away from the pack, my duties, all alone, and at the best place in the world, the Silver Lake area. The only land in the state that is not allowed to be owned by any of the packs, literally a safe haven for all werewolves to just relax. I loved coming here, it was always peaceful, relaxing, and free. I quickly shifted to my human form, then changed from my shifting clothes, and got dressed into my bikini. I folded my clothes, then hid them by a group of rocks, and took off running towards the water. I swan dived in, allowing it to rush around me, the water carrassing over my skin, cooling my muscles, and relaxing me. I swam to the base of the waterfall, climbed up the rocks, up to the stairs that were carved into the walls by all of the packs, and walked to the top of the waterfall. I looked down, it was about a 70-80 foot drop into a 20 foot deep pool of water that went out to the lake, then out the dam. I walked to the middle of the bridge, smiled, closed my eyes, and dove.

The feeling of the wind rushing at my face was amazing, the long drop, the climb that took minutes, while the fall took what felt like seconds. I slid into the water, my fingers cutting a path for my body to follow, and I swam away from the current. Humans would die from jumps like that without proper swimming protection, but being a werewolf has its perks. I swam back to the surface, close to the shore, I stood up out of the water, pulled my hair over my left shoulder, and started squeezing the water out of my hair. 'Crystal...I miss our mate...' said my wolf, speeking for the first time that night. I sighed, 'I know Athena. I do too. I just don't understand why he had to be such a butt headed man to us! Alpha or not, mates should not talk that way to each other.' 'You are deffinatlly the hard ass of the two of us CC.' replied Athena. 'Hey, I'm only as strong as my wolf girl. If it wasn't for you I'd be lonely.' I whispered to her, making her purr. The wind picked up, making the warm water on my back, a little cooler, then something met my nose. 'Mate...' Athena and I said at the same time. I slowly turned, looking for him, but my eyes quickly found him.

He was standing in the middle of the sand. He had his shirt over his shoulder being held at the bottom with his right hand, his other hand was at his hip, his thumb in his belt loop. His pants were partially off of his hip, showing off his v-lines and the hem of his boxers. My eyes trailed back up his torso. His abs were tense, a few beads of sweat dripping off of his body, no doubt he was out running like me. I looked up to his face, his haid was disheveled, jaw clenched, he had drawn in the left half of his bottom lip, and was currently biting it. I shifted a little where I was standing and bit my lip. 'Girl...our mate looks like a greek god.' purred Athena. 'Oh I know...' I replied. 'Then what are you waiting for? Go get him!' she yelled in my head. That was all the encouragment that I needed. I took off running towards him. He was shocked dropped his shirt, and ran towards me.

John's POV

She just started running towards me. I dropped my shirt and ran towards her. She as she jumped into my arms, I swung her around, so we wouldn't fall over. I put her back on the ground, resting my hands on her bare hips. She put her hands around to the back of my neck, pressing her body against me, and she smiled. "Crystal...I missed you so much..." I  said, in a strained voice. 'Kiss her John!' yelled Bennett. We were fighting for control. 'No! I don't want to make her mad again. If she only lets me hold her, then that is all I am going to do.' I said to him in a stern voice. I was not about to screw this up again. She pulled back from me a little bit, a smile playing at her lips, "The other big bad Alpha missing their mate?" I could tell that she was teasing me, but judging by the look on her face, the time apart had took a tole on her too. I pulled her close to me again, bending my head, resting it against her forehead, "You have no idea."

She pulled away from me, smiling, "Come and swim with me for a little bit." 'Hey Cris. I'm going to be out a little later than I origionally planned. I'll see you for morning warm ups.' 'Ok alpha.' he replied in a smug tone. She pulled at my hand, dragging me behind her towards the water. I followed her our way lit by the full moon. "Hold on a second Crystal..." I stopped walking quickly, pulling my hand back, taking it out of her grip. She turned to me, a questioning look crossing her face. I unbuttoned my jeans, sliding them off, then picked them up, throwing them back to rest by my shirt. When I turned around, I caught a look at her face, she was completly staring, eyes wide, biting her lip. I let out a laugh, "Staring much babe?" She looked up to my eyes quickly, blusing, "Oh shut up John." Then she turned around and dove into the water.

I looked around for her, then about ten yards away, her head popped up above the surface, "Come on! You are taking forever!" I grinned, dove into the water, and swam towards her. When I got close to her, she slipped away quickly. We kept swimming for a while untill I finally caught her. She was facing away from me, I came up behind her, wrapped one of my arms around her waist, "Lets go back to the shore."  She nodded, slipped out of my grasp, and swam back towards the shore.

Alpha Female and Her Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now