Screw the Old Traditions

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Crystal's POV
"Crystal, why are there women training in the field?" I stiffened against him, feeling the anger radiating off of him like an aftershock wave. I pulled away from him, "Is there something wrong with who I train in my pack, Alpha?!" Forget the first name basis, he screwed that up big time. "It's against everything we've done in the past." "And what's wrong with change? These women want to be trained and fight." I replied, throwing my walls up, not letting him in my mind. 'Crystal, he might be our mate, but he should not be questioning us. He is NOT going to get away with insulting us like that.' John looked me in the eyes, "Women are too weak and vulnerable to be out there fighting." "So you're calling me weak?" I asked, challenging him, feeling the venom coating my words. His eyes widened in shock, "I didn't mean you Crystal!" "It's ALPHA Clemson to you!" I snarled at him, my eyes flashing dangerously while darkening. Oh he's gonna get it.
"Bring your best fighters who aren't afraid of being made into fools here by noon tomorrow. If you win, I'll stop training the women, however if I win, you cannot question my training decisions and you have to open training to the women of your pack who want to." He snarled at me as I challenged him, "Challenge accepted ALPHA Clemson." "Good. Now when I get back, I want you and your pack members off of my territory. If they found that their mates are in my pack, they have my permission to stay, or their mates to leave with them. I will not keep them separated, however if they stay, that is not my choice." After saying that, I turned around, ran, and jumped off the balcony. In mid air, I shook my head, shifting as I did, then as soon as my paws touched the ground, I took off for the training field.
As I reached the shifters that were training, I got onto my haunches, shook my head again, shifting from my head down, back to my human form, and continued walking to them. I could feel John's anger and aw. I knew why too, I spent months perfecting and controlling how I shifted, and what I had just done was never seen outside of my pack.
My fighters gathered in front of me. "Girls, we have a challenge to meet. It's time that we prove to all of the other packs that women are just as good at fighting as men are, but only if they are dedicated, and have amazing trainers. The outcome of tomorrow's challenge will determine wether or not we will continue training women, so lets show them that we will!" By the end of my speech I was practically yelling over the howls and shouts that the fighters were emitting. I could feel my teeth sharpening and my eyes flashing a dark green. Its time for our pack to be back on top.

John's POV
'I can't believe I just said that.' 'No John, our mate has no right to go against tradition. We were right to put her in her place.' My mind flashed to when she challenged me.

"Bring your best fighters who aren't afraid of being made into fools here by noon tomorrow. If you win, I'll stop training the women, however if I win, you cannot question my training decisions and you have to open training to the women of your pack who want to." My wolf snarled at her as she challenged me, "Challenge accepted ALPHA Clemson." "Good. Now when I get back, I want you and your pack members off of my territory. If they found that their mates are in my pack, they have my permission to stay, or their mates to leave with them. I will not keep them separated, however if they stay, that is not my choice."
*flashback end*

I was sitting at my desk in my Alpha office. Even when she was mad, damn she was sexy. Her golden brown hair was turning a slight red at the tips and her emerald green eyes flashing. I had watched her as she turned and ran off the balcony. Her shifting and fearlessness shocked me. Her hair, no one has ever been able to do that since the old day, when people were burned to death during the Salem Witch Trials. I shook my head, I had to stop thinking about her, I had to get ready for the challenge that I accepted...big mistake.
'Chris, office now. We need to get a group of our best fighters together, we accepted a challenge that takes place tomorrow.' 'Well I can start with the beginners. Kicking the BurningSun Pack's ass will be easy.' He replied. I swallowed hard, 'Chris...its not the BurningSun's Pack...any pack smaller than us would be idiotic to try to challenge us.' 'Oh...then who's pack is it? the only one that rivals us in size is the...' he trailed off in the end as it dawned on him '...oh shit...damnit John!' He opened the door, entering the room, swapping from thought to speech, "Why the hell would you accept a challenge from the SilverFur Pack!? What the hell were you thinking?!" I flinched from the anger in his voice, for being a Beta his voice is as strong as mine, not only was my mate mad at me, but my Beta and fighters were as well. "Chris, our fighters have been fighting longer than their women. We have experience and power over them." "What ever Alpha, but if we lose this won't make just us look bad, it's going to make you and the rest of the pack look weak." "Well if I withdraw it's going to make us look weak too." I replied, shutting Chris up quickly. He turned on his heal, storming out of the office, slamming the door behind him. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair, sliding down slightly in my seat, this was not going to be easy. 'Alpha, you are needed on the training ground...we have a problem with a few of the fighters.' 'Coming' I quickly stood up, hopefully this would take my mind off of what just happened.

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