Mark me...or not

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Crystal's POV

We arrived to the pack house just a little bit after time in the woods. As soon as we walked over the threshold of the house, I threw out all of the emotions I had running through my mind about what had just happened. 'Crystal...we should announce that we found our mate...or it is going to give them a bad impression that we smell like him and he's with us...' 'Athena I know! but what happens to us and our pack when we tell them? In case you haven't noticed, we aren't the 100% housewife and homemaker!!!' With that, my wolf got quiet. I felt bad, normally we never argue; in fact we would stay up late together dreaming about our mate, but right now, I had more to worry about than my mate...what would happen to my pack? I let out a low growl. I was losing my edge. I was letting my mate make me soft...the pack would be horrified if I became some love struck puppy.

John's POV

Live struck puppy? Turning into a soft Alpha? Was Crystal crazy? She was even more of a bad kick ass Alpha than ever. I started walking towards her, but stopped dead in my tracks when she glared at me. Man...if looks could kill... All of a sudden a little boy around the age of five came running up to me, hugging my leg, "Are you Alpha Clemson's mate?" he asked. My eyes went wide with shock, normally kids don't get schooled about their mates until they are in their teens. "Gavin, please let go of Alpha Parker's leg." said Crystal, her voice light and sweet. I was completely taken back...that was not the tone I was expecting. "Alpha Parker follow me. You have something important to watch." she said allowing her Alpha tone to run into her voice, looking at me. Now that was the voice I was expecting.

I nodded, detaching the little boy from my leg, and followed her. She led me through the pack house, it was relatively empty upstairs. I could feel her becoming nervous. Walking closer, I rested my hand on her back, she leaned into it, but kept walking. ' have to get her to accept us. Her wolf accepted have no idea how bad I want to mate with her.' said Bennett. 'Trust me...I know how bad you want too, but she's more stubborn than a jackass!' 'Don't say things like that about our mate.' He growled at me. I sighed, 'Sorry, but she isn't making this easy!' The next thing I knew, we were standing outside on the third floor balcony looking down at a field. "This is where we train our all of our fighters and trackers." I scanned the crowd, watching them move, and fight. "It looks very good Alpha Clemson." I said, using her title. I had a feeling calling her Crystal, with the mood she's in, would end up with me missing a body part. She looked at me, smiling, "Thank you Alpha Jonathan, but when we are alone you can call me Crystal." My heart melted in my chest, yeah, me, the big bad ass alpha of the strongest pack in the US, just said his heart melted. Damn this girl's making me soft. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. She barely came up to my chin. I smiled, resting my chin on the top of her head, inhaling her sent, citrus and lotion. She wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her head against my chest, and watched her pack train.

I followed her eyes, sharing every emotion that she was feeling, even though I haven't marked her yet. That really confuses me. I haven't marked her so I shouldn't be able to feel her emotions like this or mind link with her...weird. Closing my eyes, I let her feelings become mine. She was proud of her pack and their success, happy with her life, proud and happy with her rank, she loves me...wait what?! She loves me! Holy FuckingCow!!! 'John calm down or she'll know your reading her emotions you dumb human.' 'shut up dog.' Mean thing to say to my wolf, but he deserved it. I called down, absorbing her emotions then I hit some that almost sent me staggering back. Pain, suffering, rage, and hate. I pulled out of her emotions, blinking, shutting them out for a moment. Then I saw something that I hadn't realized before. "Crystal, why are there women training in the field?" I felt her stiffen against me...oh shit...wrong thing to ask...

Crystal's POV

I was 100% happy. Completely fine with being in my mate's arms. Athena was quiet, but excited, so I knew she was communicating with Jonathan's wolf. I sighed, leaning into him, watching my pack, and letting his emotions flow into mine. At first he was shocked at my action, then he relaxed. I wandered through his emotions, just trying to get to know him better. I wanted to know more than what the pack and others said about him. He was happy, one, he found his mate, me, two his pack was growing, and three no rouge attacks in a long time. Then there was a tinge of sadness. Anger shot through me, who had the guts to make my mate sad?! I dug a little bit deeper and realized why. He was sad because I hadn't accepted him yet. I pulled out of his emotions. His feelings for me, mine for him, it finally helped me make up my mind. I was going to accept him. I was going to let him mark me. I smiled, getting ready to tell him my decision, when he said something, "Crystal, why are there women training in the field?" I stiffened against him, feeling the anger radiating off of him as he realized why my pack was so strong. Wrong question Alpha Boy...wrong question...

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