Issues at the border

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I shifted as soon as my feet hit the dirt. My mind kept jumping back and forth between the problem at outlook four and what I did...almost did the day before a fight. "Athena tomorrow is going to be annoying." I could feel her stirring in the back of my mind. "Trust me I know. The only reason we are away from John right now is the fact that you're in control. If it was up to me we would be back there getting..." "Whoa there Athena. Keep your horny little thoughts to yourself." I said, interrupting her no doubt detailed list of events. I pushed myself faster and faster until only my heightened senses were keeping me from hitting objects. By the time I reached the outpost my fur was covered in spiderwebs. Steve, one of the guards, looked at me with a confused expression, "I didn't realize that the path was already covered with cobwebs Alpha. Should I have someone clean it?" Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I shifted back, "No thank you Mr. Steve. I went the long way along the parameter." It wasn't a total lie, I did take the long way and I did go along the parameter...well sort of. Mainly through it and I didn't really check around me. He looked at me skeptically and I realized, I smelled a little like John...well crap. Clearing my throat, "So, there was something you needed me for?" Snapping out of his daze, Steve nodded, "Yes Alpha, sorry. There was a disturbance on the border near here. Tim has more information on it though. He's inside the planning room right now." "Thank you Steve. I'll let you go now so you can get back to patrolling." He nodded, bowing his head to me, and started walking again along the boarder line with the other guard. Looking around, puzzled with what the problem could possibly be, I walked into the hunter cabin.
Normally when I enter one of the cabins, I am able to take a little time admiring the decorating and history of it, but right now, I had the weirdest feeling someone was watching me, and they wern't part of my pack... I tucked the problem away in the back of my head, 'Athena...' 'Don't. I can feel it too. I focus on that you go see what Tim needs you for.' I relaxed a little mentally. I didn't want to give away what my wolf was doing if there really was someone there watching. I pushed open the office doors. "Hello Alpa, I'm really sorry to have pulled you from your sleep this late at night, but I found something that you might take interest in." Tim said, standing up from the plush chair by the desk and walking over to the map that hung on the wall. The pack borders were clearly marked in this state, each pack with a defining color. I felt my hearing highten, the wooden bordes of the flooring creaked slightly under Tim's feet as he walked to the wall, the faint hum of the heater in the room next door, and the squeak of door hinges outside the office. Wait..outside the office. Shit. I smelled the air, whatever it was that was coming didn't smell like anyone from my pack or from Johnathan's pack. I heard the faint steps right outside the door and the pressure put on the handle. My eyes widened in shock at the progessing problem. Right as the door started to open, Tim finally sensed it as well, "Alpha get do..." He didn't even get to finish his sentence, because right as the door opened an inch I had jumped over to Tim, pushed him onto the floor and felt a sharp pain on the left side of my body.

After the pain hit was when I heard the sound. The shouting bang of the gun, the smell of the gunpowder, and the matallic feel of the bullet ripping through my body. I was in half shock and half anger. I quickly reached my hand up to where my left breast met my chest. My fingers were met with the warm sicky feeling of blood and the sharp chunks of bone that had emerged from the wound. Tim looked up at me with horror on his face and in what seemed like slow motion, he got up, shouting for backup and reaching for me. I couldn't make out all of the words that he was saying, though I did catch a few promising words, "Get...Johna...mate...hurry." Stumbling, I took a few steps forward and that is when it hit me. The bullet was laced with a silver wolfsbane mix. My eyes flew open as I gripped my chest and fell to my knees. Tim knelt down by me trying to get me to calm down. I reached over and grabbed a handful of his shirt pulling him towards me. Looking into his eyes, "It's laced...Silver Wolfsbane...hurry..." A bang revertibrated though the cabin as the front door was blown off its hinges. A group of people ran into the office. I was pulled against a chest, the touch made my skin tingle...Johnathan. I looked up at him, gasping, trying to make my mouth work, I wanted so bad to comfort him, but I was quickly fading out of conciousness. He looked down at me and then at Tim laying beside me. His lips were moving, but he was talking to fast for me to understand what he was saying, but it seemed that he and Johnathan were in a heated discussion by the way Johnathan protectivaly pulled me against him. I reached up with my hand, touching his cheek, drawing his attention towards me, I smiled painfully, then started caughing, blood dripping from my lips. He looked down at me, his eyes filled with pain and worry, the last words I heard were, "I love you..." Then I passed out.

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