No One Will Know...Right?

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Crystal's POV
I swam as fast as I could towards the shore. Once I got towards the shallow part of the water, I stood up, and started walking to the sand. All of a sudden, John was right behind me, his arms wrapping around my torso, pulling me against him. I giggled as he picked me up, swinging me around in his arms. When he put me back down, we both fell down onto the ground, and were shaking with laughter. I turned my head and looked over at him, ' should kiss him...' said Athena. 'Um...but what about tomorrow? I can't let myself be emotional about tomorrow Athena. We won't do as well if I get attached to him now.' I replied. 'Too late for that...' she whispered. I bit my lip, meeting his eyes, I could tell he was talking to his wolf too. His eyes were slightly clouded over, he was unfocused. Then I did what could arguably be considered the stupidest damn thing in the world. I leaned over and kissed him.
He kissed me back, sitting up, laying me down against the sand, his hand trailing to my hip. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran my fingers through his hair, pulled my leg up against his, and closed my eyes. His breathing hitched when I touched him, I could tell that he was struggling to stay in control of himself, but at that moment, I didn't want him too. I pulled away from him, sitting up, bracing myself against my arms. He let out a low sexy growl, his eyes darkening, staring at me. I knew what he saw. I was in what looked like my bra and underwear, my legs were spread apart, and my chest was completly on display. I bit my lip, "John...we can't do this's not right." He let out a huff, growling in annoyance. When he looked back at me, his eyes were glinting with an idea, "Then lets go to my place." I'm pretty sure that my eyes popped out of my head, because just as I was about to object, he said, "Don't worry. The pack is asleep and I don't share the same floor with my officers." I sorted through the options, then nodded, "Let's go."
I stood up, whiped the sand off of my butt, walked over to the rocks, and grabbed my clothes. John was standning behind a tree, undressing, so I quickly ran behing the rocks, stripped off my bathing suit, then put on my spandex. I walked out from behing the rocks, to see John had already shifted into his wolf. He trotted over to me, his clothes in his mouth, and a wolfish grin across his face. I couldn't help but laugh, when he reached me, I knelt on one knee, scratched behind one of his ears, and kissed his forehead. When I finished scratching his ear, I stood up, shifted, and fell forward on all fours. I picked up my bathing suit, and rubbed agaisnt his side, 'Lead the way.' He rubbed the side of his face against mine, then took off running. After a few minutes of running, we were back in his territory, quietly walking through his pack house, and creeping up to his room.
When we finally got there, he entered before me, turned on the lights, and I quietly closed the door behind us. I looked up and looked around. His room was much more decorated than mine was. The walls were a dark blue with black trim, his king size bed with a canopy was centered against a wall on the opposite side of the room. One of the doors led to a small sitting room, that connected to the balcony, the other door led to his mater bathroom, and the third one opened up to his giant walk in closet that was full of weapons and some clothes. "Do you like it?" he asked, coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I nodded, "Your room is huge." He laughed, his chest shaking, "Our room Crystal..."
He moved my hair to one side of my neck, leaned over, and kissed the other side. I melted against him, resting my hands over his. "Who would have ever thought that this would happen to us." he said, his voice muffled by my hair. I smiled to myself, "I never thought that this would happen to me." I spun around in his arm, feeling the fire in my body that had hit me at the lake start to return. I kissed him on the lips, threading my fingers into his hair, pressing my body against him. He was rougher now than he was back at the lake, grabbing my hips, lifting me up onto his, and kissing me back hard. Within seconds he was sitting on his bed, with me on his lap, and no space between us.
I felt him getting hard under my ass, so I started grinding against it, moving slowly. " aren't helping at all right now baby..." he growled, his eyes shut tightly. I kissed him again, letting out a yelp when he pinched my ass, and started massaging my boob. I slowly started trailing my fingers down his chest. Just inches of getting to the hem line of his boxers, a message interrupted us. 'Alpha Crystal...we have a problem at outlook four. Your presence is requested.' I blinked and looked down at John apologetically. He looked up, confused still, "What was that all about?" he asked. I sighed, "Tim, one of my pack's fighters, just called me to outlook four. Apparently there is a problem..." John sighed, letting go of my hips that he somehow had gotten his hands onto. I rolled off of him, grabbed my clothing, and slipped them on. When I was done, I turned to John, "I'll see you tomorrow during the fight." John nodded, right as I turned around and opened the window, a thought hit me, "No one will know right?"

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