Chapter 1

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"Is anyone home?" My voice echoing through the house as I shut the front door behind be.

No reply came and not a sound could be heard. What a surprise, I was home alone, yet again.
My parents worked together in the same business, some financial company or something, they worked all day everyday and only came home at night. I rarely even saw them.

Of corse they didn't realise that I was alone for all the times they were out, they just presumed that my older brother, Noah, would be here looking after to me or doing whatever an older brother is supposed to do.

With straight A's and 100% school attendance you'd expect him to be studying or preparing for his future most of the time but it was the complete opposite. His friends we're exactly the best of people, Noah and his 'gang' would sneak into night clubs, play around with girls and got into their fair share of fights. Not to mention the house party's that I always had to clean up after.

I had a cousin called Quinn that was more like a brother to me, he'd talk to me when things got bad and whenever I could, stay round his house with my crazy aunty and uncle. It was much better there then it was here.

I wondered into the kitchen and dumped my backpack on the island in the centre of the kitchen.

With all the work my parents did and the position they had within their firm it's not surprising how big my house is. We had 3 extra bedrooms that no one used, a basement that my brother would hide out in and do god knows what in. A stupid dining room with a long table that was only ever put into use at Christmas or when my grandparents came round, I don't see the point in it really, we never have dinner together anyway.

I open the fringe and pluck out one of my ready made smoothies , I hated these things, but if I wanted to be healthy I had to drink healthy stuff. I then made my way up the stairs, I turned the corner passing my brothers room, his curtains were still closed, bed unmade and the contents of his wardrobe covering the floor.

My room was right at the end of the hallway, out of the way, just how I liked it.
I changed out of my preppy school uniform, dumping it on my desk chair and pulled on a pair of black leggings.

I walked into my wardrobe, what shirt should I wear?
In a bid to make me like their perfect little daughter that they could show off, my parents had tried to fill my wardrobe with expensive brands and labels. But I had pushed them all to one side and plucked out a comfortable All Time Low shirt that I had got when I had sneaked off to see their concert last year, my parents were completely fooled, maths competition my arse.

I snugged onto my bed and opened up my laptop, I logged onto YouTube typed Please don't go by Mike Posner into the search bar. I want to find what the chords are so I can learn it on guitar.

I found the video I was looking for and wrote down the chords in my notebook. I was just about to log off when my curser hovered over a video in which showed a boy, around my age, doing a cover of the song I had looked up.

Promising myself that I would just watch this then get my guitar out, I clicked on the video and watched in wonder as he sang.

There was something about him that seemed to intrigue me, maybe it was the fact he was rather good at playing guitar or maybe it was his angelic voice or even his cute face. My eyes couldn't leave the screen.

Once it had finished I couldn't just think nothing about it, so I scrolled down to his comment section.
I was the first to leave a comment.

Hey, you're really good, you should make some more videos like this. :) x

Hmm hemmo1996, odd username.

I switched off my laptop, I then grabbed my notebook and headed downstairs to the only room in this house that I saw any need for. The music room.

My parents weren't the biggest fans of my music or what instruments I played, they preferred me to play the piano and something else that was 'lady like'. But they felt if it looked good on my CV or my collage and uni application it was allowable.

The room was painted all white and had only one large window at the end of the room that looked out onto the garden and the pointless pool, that was a great idea until you added the fact that we live in London not in fucking Florida.

I had decorated the room myself, I mean who else was going to do it? A little white armchair was tucked into the corner, the wall beside it held, a acoustic, a bass and a electric guitar. The long wall was fill with pictures of bands and some records all in black frames to stand out against the white walls. A drum kit sat in the corner opposite the armchair and and on that wall beside it, a quote, in black writing it said 'Where words fail music speaks'.
Under the wall of frames stood a cabinet with my huge cd collection hid inside and black speakers on top.

I plucked the acoustic down from the wall and began to strum.

And just like that, all my worries slipped away, all the things that was going on at school and the loneliness of being left at home all the time, was all forgotten when I opened my mouth to sing.
I closed my eyes and the words seemed to flow like second nature.

Singing and letting my fingertips glide across the strings was my passion, it what I loved most to do in the whole world. My Mum and Dad tell me about how I need to get all A's so that I can get into collage and go to University and get a boring job behind a desk doing all too serious work but I don't want all that.

I want to be remembered as someone amazing not some boring snob that does maths for a living. I want to have fans that will make me happy. I want to stand on stage doing what I love to do, I want be a singer.


SURPRISE! Bet no one was expecting this, there's only 2 people know about this. I'd been wanting to write one about Luke for a while now and I got the idea for the plot in January and I couldn't help but start to write chapters.
I love surprises so I hope you enjoy this one. Thank you for reading cause I love writing these.
Love you all
-Em x

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