Chapter 3

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You need to get some sleep,I've got to go for a jog, talk to you later. :)

I typed back to Luke before I put my finally phone down.

I had gotten his iMessage three days ago and I had been none stop texting him since then. He said he would upload the video of him singing, and playing, Jersey by Mayday Parade today or tomorrow.

At first we talked in the comments of his video but I gave him my twitter and we sent DMs over that. He's so cute, he's from Australia which has the worse time difference to England, I'd just caught him as I'd woken up and he was about to go to sleep. He was a few months older than I was, he was born in July when I was born in April ;April 12th to be exact, meaning if he was at school in England he'd be just a year group older.

I was much more awake today from the sheer relief that it was the weekend and I didn't have to seen any of the fake tanned faces I saw at school.

My alarm flashed again reminding me to go for my morning jog. 8:30am perfect, the time of day that anyone of my age would still be asleep.

I pulled on one the many pairs of black leggings that I owned and a blue sleeveless top. I shrugged on a jacket slipping my iPod into one of its deep pockets. I plugged in my headphones and tied my trainers.

As I walked down the hallway and heard some soft snores coming from Noah's room, it was nice to know he was home. When he was out I tended to worry, he'd come back before in a police car more times than I'd care to admit to my parents. They only knew about my brothers dealings with the police once and my angel of a brother told them it was all his friends and he was 'at the wrong place at the wrong time' . God, they could be gullible sometimes.

I made my way down the stairs and slipped out the house being as quiet as possible.

The February air was cold despite the sun that was rising above the horizon in the distance. I took in a deep breath and I was off running .
The wind in my face and the sun on my back, the burning sensation in the back of my throat made me want to stop but stopping was giving up and I couldn't give up, I had to keep going if I wanted to burn off the food I ate. I had to lose weight.

I had started eating healthier lately, no fast food, no snacks in between meals, that kind of thing. I was never going to cut down on the amount I ate, like most people, I love food. I love pizza with loads of cheese, I love Nutella on my pancakes in the morning and popcorn while watching a film but I needed to balance it out by doing loads of exercises.

I didn't stop running for 15 minuets, new record, by this time my legs felt like jelly but I made it back to my house.

I closed my front door and crept back upstairs and went into my bedroom. The dinner thing my parents are dragging me along to, started at 5pm so I had around 8 hours to kill. And my whole family seemed to be in.

Well not the whole family.

I have a brother, who's a douche, but I also have a sister. She was 10 when I was born, so she is 24 now. Her name is Samantha, she didn't have the best relationship with my parents either and as soon as she turned 18 she moved to Los Angles. To be honest that's what I want to do when I turn 18, get away, far away from here.
I was only 8 when she moved and we weren't that close due to the age gap but I still miss her. Especially now, I would love to have someone to say hello to when I get home, someone to have dinner with, someone that I know is there when I need them.

I had only just thought about her when she emailed me this morning. It was odd, I hardly ever heard from her.

I had to re read the email a few times before I fully registered what it meant.

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