Chapter 7

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The early April air whipped around my hair as I trudged to my equivalent of hell, School. Busted, Year 3000 was blaring in my headphones, I hummed the tune turning the corner to come face to face with the hell hole.

I walked through the gates and made my through the dull hallways to my locker. I dumped in my black jacket and shut the little door to be met with a face.

"Jesus Lil, you nearly gave me a heart attack" I clutched my chest where my heart was hammering against my ribcage.

Lily recovered from her laughing fit "Just wanted to wake you up"

"Well I'm defiantly awake now" We walked to our usual spot next to the radiator.

"How's Luke?" She grinned wiggling her eyebrows.

Ever since I told her about Luke she keeps asking about him and dying about how much she ships us together. Of corse I like him but I just have to remember that he lives on the other side of the world, in a different time zone, with a completely different way of life. Not to mention the fact that he's most likely not even interested in me and the girls he goes to school with in Australia are probably way prettier than I am.
And I knew that when you start to have a crush on somebody, it just makes things complicated and awkward. Like every single action had an agenda, intentional or otherwise. Like there was a constant subtext to every word spoken and action made. They wouldn't speak to you for a day and you'd immediately assume that they hated you. It sucked cause you won't just be able to just talk anymore. And I couldn't do that with Luke, so for the foreseeable future, he was in the friendzone.

"He's fine, he's asked me to think of some names for his band." I told her

It was Michael who finally said they should start a band and apparently if they don't come up with a good name soon they would be called Bromance which wasn't that good.

"How about..." She thought about it for a second. "The cloud dragons!"

"What? Where did that even come from?" I wonder how her brain works sometimes.

"I don't know, maybe I'm just a natural at naming bands." Lily shrugged

"Well hate to brake it to you but it's not that good, back to the drawing board for names."

After a few more pitiful suggestion and loads of other people coming in, some giving me a glare on the way past, the bell went for tutor time.

20 minutes of time wasted in my opinion, we should just get the lessons over with and not spend 20 minutes listening to Mr Taylor, a middle aged snob, telling us that we should keep our shirts tucked in and not run in the corridors and that we have a none uniform day next week.

Wait what?! My head looks up from my desk, my eyes wide and alarmed, I snapped out of my silent thoughts of hating Mr Taylor. A non uniform day? For fucks sake, they were the worse days. A whole day of having to see the bitches and sluts wearing tops that hardly cover their chest and the short shorts that may as well be underwear. A whole day of being judged for wearing a band shirt or skinny jeans.

After that great news to ruin my day I trudged my way to English.

I was sat with Lily second from the back. It wouldn't be a bad seat if it wasn't for the bullies behind me. Every few seconds they were taking it in turns to kick my seat and I had to be careful that they didn't try to move my chair when I sat down.

Across the classroom sat Thomas. He had this brown hair that when he flicked it to the side I would literally just die. And his amazing brown eyes were just to die for, I could stare at him all day.
I've had a crush on him since I literally bumped into him on the third day of secondary school, I walked straight into him and fell over. OMG it was embarrassing.
Thomas turned around and I quickly looked away hoping he didn't notice that I've been staring at him.

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