Chapter 13

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The days quickly passed just like I'd expected and I was going back to the fashion studio again with Sammy and I just couldn't find what to wear.

"Sammy can I borrow some of your clothes?" I whined walking into Sammy's room dressed in only my knickers and an oversized T-shirt that covered my bra.

I'd become really comfortable around Sammy over the time we'd spent together, it was like the six years I hadn't seen her were slowly being made up for. Not just around Sammy though I'd become more confident in myself and the way I look, I'd even stared to consider wearing clothes like crop tops and shorts that before I presumed only sluts at my school wore.

But I didn't know anyone here. No one took any interest in what I wore and that helped me rebuild my confidence that had been knocked down every day for the past few years by the bitches and assholes at school.

"What's wrong with your own clothes?" Sammy poked her head out from the wardrobe door "You looked fine in that black skirt you wore yesturday"

"But then that crazy Carlos guy will think I only ever wear skirts and he's like really fashiony, and most of my clothes are either, black, grey or white. I need something more" I paused in thought for a second " Summery"

The sound of coat hangers being dragged across the railing became more frantic "Let me see." She whispered more like she was talking to herself.

I waited in silence until she finally spoke "ah, right try these on." She handed me a pair of high wasted shorts, a white crop top and a bright floral kimono.

I went back to my room and changed into the outfit she'd picked out and to my surprise, it didn't look too bad.

Maybe next years resolution will be to step out of my comfort zone with clothes and try new looks. I could even go as far as actually getting an statement necklace. But for now I was happy in my dark but cosy jumpers and leggings.

"Let me see how it looks" Sammy walked into my room, she saw me staring at my reflection in the mirror and let out a little gasp "It looks amazing on you"

I turned to face my sister standing in the door way " Is this even what real life people wear cause I thought this is only what pretty girls on the internet wear."

"You look fine" Sammy reassured me "Right, now come on, we need to get going if we want to get there on time"

Before she pulled me out the door I put on some white converse and grabbed my phone. I wouldn't want to forget that, what else was I to do when Sammy and crazy Carlos are taking about fashion, and it's a given fact that anything to do with that goes way over my head.

We reached the studio just in time, to be honest it wasn't even a studio really, just a posh office above the Chanel shop.

We climbed up the funny transparent stair case and just like before and we were met with the enthusiastic hugs from crazy Carlos.

"How are you doing? LA serving you well Isabella?" I nodded in response

"Wow, darling I love your outfit, really suits your skin tone." He complemented me before walking to the large glass table, the same one we sat at last time.

Sammy flashed me a quick 'I told you so' glance before engaging into conversation with crazy Carlos.

And yet again my phone became my only lifeline. I couldn't text Luke cause his school hadn't broke up yet for summer. But he had uploaded a cover with Calum which I promised I'd watch it when we got back not wanting to interrupt Sammy's and crazy Carlos current conversation about colour schemes for some upcoming collection or show they we're doing. It was probably something really well known but as I mentioned before, fashion wasn't really my thing.

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