Chapter 16

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I awoke to the sound of mumbling voice coming from outside my room. One was the distinctive bubbly sound of Sammy, the other a low, unfamiliar, man like voice.
The thought of still being asleep and just dreaming the voices crossed my mind but even when I pinched my arm I could feel the slight sting meaning I was in fact that I was awake.

It would normally take a few minuets to emotionally and mentally prepare myself to even think about getting out of bed but today my curiosity took over.
I slipped out if the messed up covers and padded over to the door and placed my ear against the door to hear the mumbling voices clearer.

I didn't catch much but Sammy's voice got loader "She might be awake"


The door I was leaning against suddenly opened and my support was swept away from me and the next thing I know I'm crashing to the ground.
"Hi" my voice came out a smothered noise against the floor.

I looked up from my current position on the hardwood floor to see Sammy looking as if things like this happened everyday and a man, about the same age as my sister with dirty blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes, staring down at me with a concerned expression on his face.
Not gunna lie he was cute. And here I am, lying on the floor. What a great first impression.

"I think she's awake you know" Sammy giggled helping me up from the floor.

"Izzy," she stepped back and I got a full view of the mysterious guy who has the pleasure of seeing me in my pyjamas and facially naked.

"This is my boyfriend Matthew," she smiled up at him and I could see so much happiness in her eyes, it was adorable.

"You can call me Matty" he pulled me in for a hug, omg I approve of him already. And he did smell kinda like coffee which was rather pleasant.

Once me and Matty pulled out from our quick hug, Sammy smiled "We were thinking we could spend the day together, all three of us, we could go to the park, or find a coffee shop. Whatever it's up to youse."

Turning my head to Matty "I'm not fussed, anywhere would be great." He said

I could no longer have the patience or stamina to go shopping again so I spoke up "We could go for a walk to Runyon Canyon Park,"

From my nightly sessions of searching the internet to find things to do in LA, other than shopping and disney world, I'd come across pictures and reviews of the hill that looked over the city, and according to trip advisor; it was 'Excellent' and 'A great hike with views of the city'

We decided on a time and I quickly got changed. I also remembered put on some make up so Matty didn't have to look at my naked face anymore.
Glancing in the mirror to check my outfit ; a grey top, denim shorts and a red flannel that I'd tied loosely around my waist, I grabbed my phone off my unmade bed and hurried out the door.

We slowly wandered along the streets of la in the direction of the park. On the way, we stopped and grabbed a Starbucks. Good thing too cause I was starving.

Every few minuets I'd glance at Sammy and Matty. She'd be laughing or just smiling up at him, and Matty would have his arm round her waist and smiling right back at her.

My mind wondered if I'd ever have a cute relationship like that. Would Thomas ever notice me? I doubt he ever would, and if he did I'm sure he'd much rather have one of the many other girls who were fussing over him, Kim being one of them.

What about Luke? Would he ever see me as more than a friend? My mind transported me to a world where we could be a thing, a place where he'd snake his arms round my waist to keep me close to him, a land where we'd go on cute dates to the cinemas to see a cheesy romantic movie.

"Oi, Izzy ! " Sammy waves a hand in front of my face and like a puff of smoke my daydreams were gone. That wasn't reality, if I keep thinking about Luke I'll just get my hopes up.

"We're almost here" she said and continued to trek up the hill with Matty staying close by her side.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and snapped a few pictures of my surroundings before following behind them.

After a tiring few minuets of regretting even suggesting coming here we reached the top and once I turned around to see what I'd just climbed up I no longer regretted my decision.

You could see the whole city from here, just like from the windows in Sammy's flat, just from a different angle.
Yet again, I pulled out my phone and took a few pictures. If they weren't busy, I could show my mum and dad when I get back. My mum especially loves views of cities and landscapes, we have canvases on the walls all around my house back in London.

The three of us sat watching over the city for what seemed like hours and hours. When the sun was starting to touch the horizon, it signified that it was our time get back.

We hauled a cab and sat in a comfortable silence all the way back to the apartment.

On walking through the door Sammy flicked on the lights immediately illuminating the room. The keys clicked against the kitchen counter top and I fell tiredly onto the sofa.

"Any suggestions for supper?" Sammy asked from the kitchen.

"Chinese!" I declared sitting up to see her already typing in the numbers on her phone to order it.

When the food we sat on the floor next to the sofas, no TV, no internet, just talking to each other.

It turns out Matty is a manager of a cute little coffee house down the street and a part time model. Apparently that's how they met, Sammy was working on a shoot his was modelling for and in the lift on her way from getting a drink they literally bumped into each other, the drink going everywhere. To be honest, I think it's quite cute.

When Matty asked if I was interested in anyone I was about to mention Thomas but Luke came to mind and I explained the story.

Tying my hair in a messy bun, wiping my make up off and tossing the wipe into the bin, I snuggled into my bed.
It wouldn't be my bed for much longer though.

My eyes wandered to the open suitcase that was sitting open on the floor, I'd tripped over it on my way into my room, it seemed Sammy had failed to mention that she wanted me to be more prepared for my flight than I was on the way here. By the time she did tell me about it, it was too late and I'd already fallen over onto my face for the second time today.

It sat there reminding me that tomorrow was my last full day before the inevitable flight back home. As I previously predicted, my blissful time away passed quickly and the 5 weeks turned into 1 day.

Still wide awake, I looked at the clock on my bedside table, it read 2:31am. It was clear by now that I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon so I should probably make the most if my time.

I slipped out of bed,opened my wardrobe and as quietly as I could, began to pull items of clothing off their coat hangers and fold them like Sammy had showed me then put them neatly into the suitcase.
Leaving out an outfit for tomorrow and my customary leggings with an oversized jumper for the flight, I'd put everything in the case.

It seemed that it had much more room in the case than it did before, maybe because last time I threw them in all scrunched up in a large mound, but I had room to put the items I'd bought; like my Game of thrones mug, Jane Austin book and the I love LA things that I'd bought cause I thought it would be a good idea at the time. Maybe I could give the I love LA stuff to Lily as a present.

I hadn't texted Lily much throughout my time away, mostly cause I was respecting the fact she was away with her own family and she respected I was with my sister but I couldn't ignore that I'd talked and skyped with Luke more than I ever had with Lily.
She wouldn't mind because she shipped me and Luke and thought we were "so cute that it's depressing".

Relief washed over me when I felt my eyes beginning to drupe, I could finally get some sleep.
I got back into my bed and enjoyed every last second of being here, in this bed, with Sammy, with this amazing laid back life style. Also with Matty cause I never heard the door go so I presume he's staying over.

And in the last seconds before I fell into a calm sleep, I smiled, at the holiday I'd had and the memories I'd made. I smiled because it's wasn't as much of a shitty summer holiday as I thought it was gunna be.

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