Chapter 17

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I jolted up straight in my bed, rudely being ripped from my dreams to hear voices downstairs shouting about something I wasn't in the mood to hear.

"But why would you do that?! It looks horrendous, you're going to be fired when you next go back to work!"

" But it's my face I can do what I want to it! I don't see why you're so bothered!"

Ah the blissful sound of my mum and Noah having a shouting match downstairs. It's good to be home.

The memories of the previous day came into mind. Sweet memories of the flight where I sat next to some sleeping old man for 7 hours, it wouldn't have been too bad if it wasn't for his terribly loud snoring.
And then when I finally returned home to everyone sleeping in their beds, and I distinctively remember stumbling over my discarded books and stationary that littered my floor from my frantic rush not to be late for the flight to LA.

But now Los Angles was now just another memory in my mind that I can revisit when life at home is getting hard.

Getting out of bed and half tumbling to the floor, I tiptoed around the books and stuff that was on my floor and made it over to my door. Sheepishly, I unhooked my dressing gown off the back of the door and made my way down the corridor.

I trudged past Sammy's room wondering if she was awake, her door was closed so I wasn't going to barge in. In a weeks time Sammy too will be gone, flying back to her fairytail land, that to her, was reality.

I went down the staircase and into the kitchen, to be honest I was curious to know what the shouting was all about, Noah hardly ever gets shouted at which is surprising due the amount of interesting activities he actually gets up to. If it wasn't for the shouting I'd still be in bed right now and would be there until further notice. Also I was kinda hungry.

My mum, all dressed in her work suit with her hair in a tight bun, was facing the doorway where I was awkwardly standing. Her face held the look that nobody would ever want to be at the receiving end of, it was caught between disappointment and anger. Today it was my brother who was facing her.

"What's all the racket? I don't know if you're aware but some people are experiencing post holiday depression." I said catching my mum's attention.

"Morning darling, how was the flight?" She came over and hugged me. Noah must have done something incredibly annoying if she comes and hugs me.

"It was fine, but no one has answered my question." I said pulling away and fetching the bread from a cupboard to make my breakfast.

"I'm just going to let your brother show you what he's done." She said dismissively

Noah turned to look at me and the silver curving round his nose immediately caught my attention.

"Whoa, you got a nose ring!? It looks sick" I remarked taking a closer look.

" It's not 'sick' Isabella, it makes me sick to my stomach." She sighed "I'm just going to get to work before it agitates me for any longer." She grabbed the briefcase from the kitchen counter, kissed me lightly on the cheek and left the room.

Once the front door slammed Noah laughed.

" Oh my god, she needs to stop over reacting."  He walked over to me and hugged me "Hey sis, how was LA?"

"It was incredible, I've just got to show the pictures I took of Sammy's apartment. "

It'd been a long time since I'd sat down and had an actual conversation with my brother. It was nice not having to give him a lecture or tell him off, besides he did have a point, it was his face and if he wanted to put something on then he should go ahead.

Turns out that he got it because his friends knew he was the only one crazy enough to get it. What an idiot.

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