Chapter 20

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Ah the Christmas holidays. A brief but much needed break from school. Not having to listen to Mr Taylor's morning rants and the science teacher, with a shiny bald head that resembled megamind and that I was convinced was actually a psychopath, with his weekly tests and the calling upon student who clearly didn't know the answer. The rowdy students running in the corridor, their only mission to bump or push over into the youngest students. It all ceased to to take place for a blessed three weeks.

And it was only a week away. I just have to last another week of school before I get to have those three weeks away from it all. But then there was that dreaded day.

I don't think I've ever known someone who didn't like Christmas. Don't get me wrong, the whole three month hype for it isn't too bad. Its actual day. The kinda awkward Christmas dinner with my family, even my grandparents took the time out to come from Paris to rejoin the family and keep their title of the most judgemental people ever. Its safer to tell them I am undecided when they ask what I wanted to do with my future, they'd never approve of a career in music. I hate to say it cause I sound like a bit of a bitch, but just putting up with them was a challenge in itself.

Then came the worst part. The presents that were forced upon me. The shitty designer stuff, the countless bags and ridiculous heeled shoes that were completely unpractical and I'd never want or use, in fact for the last two years I'd sold half of it on eBay. It wasn't like they were thought out or meaning full, the only ever gift that my parents gave me that I actually wanted was my first guitar.

But today I wasn't thinking about the looming thought of the dreaded day.

What was even happening right now? Why am I even going through with this? Why is she taking time out of her morning to be here and help me, I didn't ask her to? And as I watch the concerning scene unfold in front of me I only felt more and more nervous, like I was in some sort of swirly vortex of worry that was taking over me just like the pile of rejected clothes were taking over my room.

"Hey Izzy," Lily's voice piped up " What about this?"

I cracked an eye and glanced in the direction of my wardrobe. I was currently lying back on my bed attempting to catch up on the sleep I'd lost from getting up early this Sunday morning.

Yup, today was the day. The inevitable dog walk with Thomas. I wasn't going to admit it, not out load but I was excited for this, I'd had a crush on the dude since the first week of secondary school. I know It's not really something to get extremely excited about, I'm walking his dog for Christ's sake but Lily had insisted it was the start of something new and that meant coming to my house and rummaging through my wardrobe for an outfit for this momentous occasion.

Pushing myself up on my elbows, I studied the top Lily had just removed from my wardrobe and squinted at it.

It was a white and navy striped long sleeved top from Jack Wills. I continued to study the top for a moment before nodding in approval.

" I think it's nice" I murmured pushing myself into a sitting position, my legs crossed and my hands nervously picking at my chipped black nail varnish.

"Can you at least look like you're trying to help me?" She sighed her should dropping.

I returned the sigh and swung my legs of the bed and joined her at the wardrobe. I look down at the top in her hand contemplating what it could go with, trying to remember all the outfits I'd scrolled past whilst on Tumblr and WeHeartit and trying to recall what Sammy's boss used to yap on about.

After a second or so of silence, Lily waiting if I could actually come up with something without the risk of looking like a hobo, I shuffled though the railings searching for what I had in mind.

I held them up so Lily and I could decide if the were good enough. The black skirt with the brown belt surprisingly went really well together.

Lily tilted her head to the side her eyes raking up and down the outfit "Izzy" she turned to me a small smug smile spread across her face "You're getting better at this fashion thing."

I hit my hand down her shoulder "Lily " I turned to face her "I was born to do this, I'm a natural"

"Sure you are" Lily mumbled, walking over to my jewellery box on my desk opening the little draws and pouches clearly looking for something in particular.

"How about this?" She spun back round a with a golden necklace that had a golden feather pendant dangling off the palm of her hand.

"Yess" I reached eagerly from across the room , snatched it from Lily and clutching it to my chest desperately like I was Gollum getting his hands on the ring again.

Okay, Note to Self: I have to get all the kinda nerdy film references out of my head before I meet with Thomas, it would make for awkward conversation and I'm not sure he would be amused by it, hell, he may not even understand it.

I clipped the chain around my necklace and inspected my appearance in the mirror. Lily had made sure I did my make up right, by that I mean she pretty much did it for me. Not too heavy, minimal amount of eyeliner, a light pink shade of lipgloss that was put in the pocket of my green Parker coat jacket hoping that I would reapply it if it wore off. The shower I had took this morning caused my hair to dry into waves that I'd pushed to one side of my face.

But I wondering if I was still myself. I mean you should put a little effort in when you want to get someone to like you but I wanted to make sure I didn't change. Yeah , I turned from side to side the girl in the mirror following my actions, I looked better than I usually did, I guess change can be good sometimes.

"Right Izzy" Lily said, suddenly snapping me out of my reverie. "Are you already?"

For what seemed like the millionth time today, I sighed. "As ready as I'll ever be" I flashed her a reassuring smile.

"Well at least you look cute" she returned the smile and brought me in for a bone crushing hug. I would usually tense up when someone hugged me, physical contact wasn't really my thing , it was probably something to so with the constantly left alone situation, but with Lily, I'd known her for years and she's the closest thing I've got to a real sister, well a sister that I get to see often anyway, she's always been there for me.

"Thanks Lil" I said pulling away before she broke one of my ribs "for everything."

We walked downstairs and out the front door discussing funny scenarios of Kim finding out Thomas was with me not her. Big headed I know but the thought of her sitting on her air bed in some pool where her parents had taken her on holiday and her falling in. The spray tan would wipe right off and her dodgy hair extensions would be ruined.

Everybody knows the popular girls date the popular boys, but I though maybe it was time for that to change, let the rest of the school get a chance.

We walked down the street until we got to where we had to go different directions.

"See you later Lily" I showed her a small smile very aware of the nerves that I'd tried so hard to repress.

"Good luck, call me as soon as you leave." Lily turned and began walking the opposite way "Promise?" She called from down the road.

"Promise!" I called back it her before turning to face my own direction of travel. I took in a deep breath and walked to wards the cafe Thomas had told me to meet him.

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