Chapter 5:Leave him

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A week later and Newt was still hanging out with the pack and he hadn't been able to speak to Thomas. Everytime he got close Thomas would either run away or Gally would take Thomas away. The group ultimately fell into two groups kinda like the nock off version of the avengers in 'Captian America:Civil war'

Everyone had the same opinion about Newt and Thomas and that was break up but the two sides had different opinions on why they should. The ones who were on Thomas' side was saying 'he knew that hanging out with them would hurt Thomas and that he was the worst boyfriend for choosing them over Thomas' and the ones on Newts side were saying 'Thomas can't control who your friends with. So what he has bad history with them it doesn't mean you can't be friends with them. Thomas is so fucking toxic'

Gally finally convinced Thomas to leave Newt so he ultimately just started putting everything of Newt's in boxes and now he travelled to Newt's house and he knocked on the door. The pack and half of the Gladers were there and they were shocked when Thomas set the boxes down and all Thomas said before leaving was "Take everything, shove it up your ass. Take everything and burn it down. I don't give a shit no more. I don't care if you change, I won't let anyone hurt me anymore. I left that mistake when I left beacon hills. Fuck you! We're so over and btw Gally hates you"

Thomas went ghost for a week but came back. Newt wasn't himself, he hated it all. Thomas was Newt's first boyfriend and he messed up so bad. He knew he fucked up and everyone who was on Newt's side was saying he was just blackmailing him and they aren't really over but Jackson and Scott both knew he wasn't, when he broke up with someone that was it over.

Thomas walked straight passed Malia with Gally who was talking to him. When they got in eyesight of Newt Thomas put his arm around Gally who put his arm around Thomas aswell. Newt's blood started boiling as soon as they saw him, it was his cousin and his ex boyfriend being all coupley in his opinion. Thomas winked at Jackson who was so confused. Thomas wouldn't talk to Newt all first period who sat right beside them.

When they had a presentation in English Thomas actually done the work and was first to say his poem. Thomas said "I sat along while you sat with them. I cried, you laughed. You promised me this was forever. Clearly forever meant until you had me replaced. I have not moved on though you may thought. I spent a week in silence hoping you'd call. Clearly I was wrong, you chose them not me and now I see the true you"

Everyone was taking secret glances at Newt. Everyone never knew that they even broke up but now they knew and why. Thomas stormed out when Newt had finished his poem "I wanted to call all week. Everyone told me it was some sorta blackmail but would you really do that? Would you really want to put our relationship on the line. Everyone tells me ignore you, you'll come back. I don't think you will but why ever doubt. I feel like I'm in a black hole but you moved to my cousin all for me hanging out with people from your past. Didn't think you would be that person but clearly you are so goodbye"Newt's poem read

Thomas kicked the wall and Newt ran out after him. Thomas was half way down the hall when Newt yelled "TOMMY WAIT. PLEASE". Thomas just kept walking and Alby ran out his class and followed Thomas. Newt ran after Thomas. Thomas just walked out the school and sat on the wall letting tears fall. He kept writing 'you didn't care how I felt. You chose them not me' over and over again and Newt saw it.

Thomas' tear splashes were on the paper as he kept writing. Newt put his hand on Thomas' shoulder who unconsciously leaned into it. Newt sat beside him but Thomas didn't look at him. He didn't care enough. Thomas put his notebook down on the wall.

"Tommy come on we can't end this badly if it has to end"Newt said and thomas jumped off the wall as the pack walked out "You chose them. You have no idea the shit they put me through. Everyday was just another fucking fight to stay alive  they forgot I was human. Fuck Jackson broke up with me over a text for a mistake on a mission! They ruined everything in my life and you didn't care!"Thomas yelled and the back stepped back Noah pushed foward to catch his son.

"Woah woah woah, calm down Thomas it's okay"Noah said taking his son in his arms and kisses Thomas' head "You're safe remember? Your grandma won't let anyone hurt you" Thomas just burried his head in his father's shoulder and cried. Noah told several attempts to comfort his son. Newt watched as thomas cried unsure of what to do but when Thomas looked at him Newt leaned foward and kissed him "Tommy please don't leave me just please don't"Newt said and Thomas nodded.

Words weren't enough the never where and Thomas got out of Newt's embrace and walked away and to Gally. Newt stood there confused and ran after him to see a boy with his hands all over Thomas flirting and Thomas seemed to be flirting back. Newt's anger boiled in Newt and he pushed the boy off Thomas and started screaming at Thomas which Thomas just seemed to be finding amusing. Newt got even angrier at that. "Remember Newt we're not together and haven't been for a week now"Thomas said before taking off with his hand almost on boy's ass.

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