Chapter 6:Rebound

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After Thomas walked away enough where Newt wouldn't see him he took his hand off the boy's ass and looked at the sky. The boy was the first to break the silence "So what? I'm just the fake rebound?" Thomas looked at the boy in shock and shrugged "I dunno. Probably not, I mean I've changed but not that much"Thomas said and the pack walked in. "Come on kiss me. See how you feel about me?"The boy said and Thomas bit his lip before nodding and leaning in and kissing the boy softly.

"Thank you Jay, for everything. You know"Thomas said and bit his lip. Newt walked over when Jay said "Wanna get out of here. Go to my house and makeout and see where that takes us" with a smirk and Thomas smiled and took Jay's hand as an answer before walking to the boy's car.

A few days later and Newt was no where to be seen and Thomas felt bad. Newt and the pack walked up to where Gally and Thomas was. Newt stared at his ex boyfriend with sad eyes. Jackson pulled Newt into his chest and Thomas gagged. Jay walked over to Thomas "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN I WAS A REBOUND!"Jay screamed in his face and Thomas shrugged before sticking his tounge out and putting up the middle finger before returing to his conversion with Gally.

Newt sat in front of Thomas and forced him to look at him. Thomas knew what he was doing. Trying to break Thomas til he crumpled apart. "What do you want Newt. I really can't be bothered right now"Thomas look annoyed and it really scared Scott. "Tommy we're gonna talk and you're gonna tell me everything that happened in your past. Then I could actually make a fair choice"Newt said and Scott nodded and Thomas rolled his eyes "Bit late for that don't you think. I'm not explaining jack shit to you. Go find whoever and get your ass outta my face. Don't wanna see you"Thomas said sharply and it was like his words cut.

Scott sneaked up behind Thomas and put his claws in the back of Thomas' neck trying to figure out everything that made him like this cause no one would understand why unless this was done. Thomas knew they were not gonna like it at all.

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