Chapter 7:Flashbacks...

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"Stiles are you okay?"A voice said that Scott and Newt recognised as Jackson's "Hm?" Stiles said looking at Jackson "I asked if you're okay"Jackson said with actual concern in his voice. "Yeah sure I'm alr I'm tired so I'm just gonna go shower and then go to bed"Stiles said before getting up and walking upstairs. When he got to the bathroom he took off his jumper to reveal a blood soaked tshirt.

Newt and Scott was shocked they were seeing this. Thomas then took his shirt off before pressing cleaning stuff on the slash marks that look like claws. Newt's heart jumped and he was ready to kill whatever done that to Thomas "Fucking werewolves. How did I get myself so fucking far with this stuff. I don't wanna do this no more."Thomas said with tears in his eyes and the door opens to reveal Jackson who looks at the cuts in shock.

"When did this fucking happen? Who done it"Jackson demanded "Decalion, He caught me and he had yellow wovlesbane on his claws when he scratched me. You can't help and neither can the hospital"Stiles said before walking to his bed. Scott pulled his claw out of Thomas' neck and Thomas runs away crying after seeing the memory. After a few days he gave permission for Scott to see his memories.

"Hmmmmm what kind of food do I wanna make?"Thomas says curiously his phone goes off "Ooh wolfie just texted me..let me check"Thomas checked his phone and his face fell it was a text that read 'Stiles I'm sorry but we can't be together anymore. It's not worth anything . I'll always love you though. A wolf and a human will never work and we both know it. I'm sorry to do this-Jackson' Thomas started crying and fell down and sat on the kitchen floor in tears. "H-he broke up with me...over text...why what did I do wrong"Thomas cried.

~Next flashback~
"Scott! Scott where the fuck are you?!"Thomas screamed in the middle of the woods. A wolf comes out of nowhere and Thomas screams "Scott I know I almost killed your first love but this isn't funny. I already said I was sorry!!"Thomas screams at the wolf before the scaredness hits his face. That's not Scott. The creature lept at Thomas starting to attack him. Thomas screams where terrifing. Sounds of gunshots scared the wolf away and it left Thomas after deciding he was too heavy. Noah ran up to Thomas who was unconscious and bleeding so much. His body was shaking and Noah phoned an ambulance helicopter that wasn't from Beacon Hills.

When Thomas woke up he was in a white hospital room and he looked at his gran with confused eyes. "Thomas do you know where you are?"his gran asked. "A hospital"Thomas sarcastically replied. "Thomas you're in England. You're gonna stay here until you recover okay honey and then you can decide if you want to go back to stay in Beacon Hills or get you're stuff and move in with me?"Thomas' gran said and Thomas replied "Can I just stay with you. My friends hate me and Beacon Hills is dangerous. I never want to go back ever again. Please don't make me I don't wanna. I don't want to ever see my friends again either. They're so mean to me and think they're better than me because their stonger and it's not fair. They also scare me. So I never want to see them ever"

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