Chapter 1

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I was in my reading class, writing a poem for an assignment when the bell rang. I picked up my books, and walked out the classroom, into the hallway flooded with students trying to get to their next class.

I pushed past people to get to my locker. I put in the combination, and swung open the door, throwing my books inside, and pulling out my backpack to get my computer for my music program.

My friends and I are all in a music program together. It's Flynn, Julie, and I. There was another girl, but she decided to turn her back on us, and join a clique with a bunch of dancers. Her name is Carrie.

She and I were the closest out of the four of us. We both grew up dancing, so we would always put on shows for friends and family. So when she left us, it hit hard for me.

Luckily, my two other friends were with me, and we all made a pact to stay together from that point on. Today was just another day at school, except it kind of wasn't.

Today was the day that determined if Julie was staying, or leaving the music program.

Ever since Julie's mom died last year, she stopped singing, and playing piano. Lately, she's been getting all these warnings that if she didn't perform, she would be kicked out. So since then, Flynn and I have been trying to get her to play. And everyday...nothing happens.

As I was sorting out my stuff, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and when I turned around, I saw Flynn and Julie smiling at me, their arms linked with one another's.

"Hey, underachiever number two!" Flynn joked.

"Hey, losers." I responded. Julie gasped.

"Another new word to add to her vocabulary. Our baby's growing up!" She cheered. I chuckled.

"I don't know about that, remember what she called us last week?" Flynn asked Julie.

"It just slipped out! You guys know I didn't mean it." I said defensively. I closed my locker door. "So what's up?" I asked the two.

"Flynn keeps bugging me about the music program." Julie whined. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't blame her. Mrs. Harrison said that today would be your last chance." I warned her. Julie rolled her eyes.

"I know. I was there." She said.

"See you at the rally!" A perky voice said. The three of us turned our heads towards the voice and saw Carrie, handing flyers to students.

"Ugh, what is she handing out?" Flynn groaned. Julie shrugged.

"Desperation?" She joked.

Carrie approached us, and handed us all a flyer. She gave us a fake smile.

 She gave us a fake smile

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