2 ;; An encounter

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I'll go ahead and investigate whoever is emitting these awful bird-like flute sounds. I'm a Hashira, anyway... The responsibility of making sure there isn't a demon gnawing at someones flesh is my job. You sigh, having already pinpointed where it could be coming from.

It's coming from the east. Your head turns to look in that direction, and you swiftly leap onto a branch — one after another.

¿'s POV

This is irritating... why am I even bothering on trying to play this dumb flute that dumb guy gave me? This is [ REDACTED ]ing stupid...

My eyes move to a specific tree branch after hearing faint but obvious creaking sounds, taking immediate notice of a female figure standing upon it. A Hashira? She seems to be strong, but weak... I shouldn't have come here.

"Hello~!" The girl greets with a gentle smile on her face, bending slightly with her hands against her knees. "It's dangerous to be outside playing a flute at night." Her head slopes over, narrowing her eyes probably as to try take a good look at me.

"Hm." I lower my gaze onto the dirt ground, pondering which course of action I should take. In less than a second, the distance has been closed between us.

I swing heftly at the presumed Hashira with the scabbard of my Katana on, only hoping to knock her out — yet she accidentally backwardly takes a step and falls down with a loud 'THUD' echoing throughout the woods.

Even I can't tell if shes just clumsy or has a good reaction time. My upper pair of eyes furrow, despite being closed... like brows.

"Ouch...–" A sharp wince runs past her lips while a hand rubs at her head to make sure shes alright from that drop just now. "What just happened?"

2nd POV

That was fast, did I just seriously miss that? I only caught like a frame of what just happened. He has a Katana... Could he be a demon slayer on patrol? No, I've never seen or heard anything about anyone like that. Perhaps a new recruit...? This feels off. Did I make the wrong choice coming here?

"Why did you just swing at me like that? Especially with the scabbard on. Who are you...?" Your brows pleat, pushing yourself up with a clean flip into the air — now standing on a branch opposite of the darkened silhouette.

"..." It remains silent with its back facing you, before turning his head around to peek over his shoulder. Eyes. Theres something imprinted on them. Your muscles stiffen with fear, a hand instinctively travelling to the hilt of your Katana, currently resting on your waist.

Who... is this person? He looks like a demon slayer, but why would a human have something on their eyes? Crap. Don't tell me...–


You remained oblivious momentarily towards how the figure somehow closed the distance between you both in just less than a second, the harsh sensation of a covered Katana being slammed against your chest which sends you flying into a tree before you could get into a defensive state.

This speed...!! Hes not human, I need to run! Holy [ REDACTED ], I don't wanna die now! I haven't got the chance to marry anyone!

Your heart begins to race as you immediately pull yourself off from being embedded into the bark, pained hissing leaving your throat as you feel  a few little thin bits of wood slightly nailed into your back. "Ow... ow, ow, ow — [ REDACTED ]–"

"A good number of your ribs has been broken... I doubt you wanna try moving with such a heavy injury." Ah. Crap. The unknown figure is now approaching you, and the way it sounds so painfully stern does not make it any better. "You sure do have a weak body for a Hashira."

A heavy lump forms in your throat, cold sweat beading up on your forehead from that revelation. Breathing is starting to hurt, did I actually just get... God who knows how much ribs just broke?

"Hm..." Should I finish her off? Muzan-sama may get mad at me if more of my existence is known to the 'Demon Slayer corps'.

He stops a few inches away from the black-haired girl — which is you. And your eyes widen when you see his figure be dimly illuminated by the moonlight peeking through the leaves above.

... Three pairs of eyes. And they're all closed. Spiky hair tied up into a ponytail, with little red streaks. Holy [ REDACTED ], is he a spider?! Your jaw drops in both horror and disgust at the sight, only becoming even more mortified when you get a good look of his eyes.

Red scleras with yellow irises, the Kanji of 'Uppermoon One' imprinted on them being as clear as day now. "An uppermoon! It's an uppermoon!" You unknowingly yelled a thought, your trembling hand reaching out to the hilt of your Katana.

How the hell have you managed to [ REDACTED ] this badly? Well, to be fair, he does look like a Demon Slayer at first glance. Especially because of his attire and that Katana.

I can't win in a fight against him. You steel your resolve quickly, jumping back onto a branch when you saw him subtly move in less than a second. Inhale... Exhale... Your [ Color ] irises scan the terrain around you, looking for possible escape routes while you steady yourself.

"So, you do have good reflexes." The demon murmurs, ready to strike once more before pausing.

. . .

"Huh?" That abnormal speed, again. Blood gushes out your throat with a loud raspy cough as his knee slowly slams into your sternum.

You remained half oblivious for a second before you were slammed into another tree once again, a pain-stricken groan erupting from your throat. I can't die...! I'm like, only eighteen! I haven't even gotten married yet, dang it!

Slumping hopelessly against the trunk, you hold back a full fledged scream with little winces. It feels like the splinters dug in even deeper now.

"Your name. What is it?"

A chill runs down your spine, gaze remaining glued onto the dirt ground when he asks that very question. Refusing to answer it as you creak with your head shake.

"Is that so...? I suppose I have no choice but to put you to sleep then, darling." He monotonously speaks.

What? What was that pet name just no–

Your body goes limp, blacking out before you realized what even happened once again.

Word Count: 1083

A/N: I apologize for this being so short, lol 😭

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