BS arc (9.5)

858 13 3

Your POV:
Great... What do I do now?
psshhh..Watching is boring, Maybe I should just step in?
I descend from the branch to the ground, And look around
"Hmmm...What to do, what to do.."
I look at my surroundings In boredom, Maybe I could feast meanwhile... But I'm not used to eating flesh nor am I really hungry. So I guess I'll just wander around...
Walking around random places as my accomplices fight for themselves, I lift my arm up looking again at the closed eye on my hand, Maybe? I could just get him to talk to me I suppose.
I tap on it again
A stern sigh appeared behind me
"Are you playing around again....I told you to not..." I turn around,
"Just talk to me, Please man I'm just fucking bored" "Go help the others finish the task" "I'm meant to help when it's more of a desperate situation" He let out another tired sigh, "Fine you lil simp...What do we talk about anyway......??" "I don't know, killing methods?" "expect that" "uh... Cats"
"......What's a cat?" "You don't-"
I cut myself off in disappointment and let out a sigh, "imagine not knowing what a cat is" "bitch...."
"don't worry old man" "..." The silence was hella loud, crickets just doing cricket stuff blah blah bug noises bblablaboobooboo
" gon talk??" "Soo...What's a cat?" You just pulled out a stuffed toy resembling a cat,
"This is what a cat looks like."
"Ohh...Can we get one.....?" "One of the other uppermoons or perhaps master would kill it though." "Well if it's not master going to kill them I might as well just......" "...okay"
I shapeshifted into a cat
"......And since when could you shapeshifted" He said In a low
voice, "Dunno, I just found out how to yesterday." He sighed, He suddenly says ".....Im feeling that some things going to fall right now"
A red haired...Male
Wait a fucking minute
"TANJIRO?" "Hm...Isnt that the guy that master wants us to kill so badly....?" Uppermoon 4 descending, And is literally about to land a blow on the red-haired,
Then the male sliced its head in half, "My, my..." I say in a low tone
The sliced head in half, The male then suddenly giving a sinister look

" I say in a low toneThe sliced head in half, The male then suddenly giving a sinister look

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(bro became a demon already)
few minutes/second later cause I'm a lazy fuck

"How do you like my claws? So fast, And sharp! They're so powerful they can cut diamonds" The demon said in a prideful tone, "Now shiver in fear, I'll carve you up into a bloody ball of joy!!" Saying in a slight loud tone, "Don't think its good to be here.....shouldn't we move?" "Nah, Let's watch." I responded in a normal tone,
"Right back at you."

The demons head getting cut again vertically, then blah blah booboo stuff again lazy TypingWhile the male and demon are fighting, "Are you gonna shapeshift back into your original form yet?" "No, Shapeshifting as a cat is interesting

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The demons head getting cut again vertically, then blah blah booboo stuff again lazy Typing
While the male and demon are fighting, "Are you gonna shapeshift back into your original form yet?" "No, Shapeshifting as a cat is interesting." "Ah... okay then."

After a while in like a month I got the motivation to write again
And thank yall for like 8.92k reads tyty, That's all I gotta say for now bye have a good day and sorry for the short chapter I'll try uploading another one next week again

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