Entertainment district P2, UM meeting, & Idk (8)

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Spoilers, kinda mentions bleeding, burning, killing yah but it's just in letters so I guess maybe it ain't even that bad

3rd person POV:
"You've got to kill the ones thatwent and burned me, too! I did my best and everything! I was trying my hardest and best, On my own! They all got in my way, and bullied me!! They all ganged up on me, and bullied me in such a harsh manner!!" "Is that so, eh? Is that so, eh? That's unforgivable, you know? My dear little sister was trying her best with what little brains she got, and you all bullied her? I'll kill all of you. You'll pay what you owe. Remember this, as you lay dying. I'll make ALL of you pay, for what you did, Or my names not gyutaro, YOU KNOW?!"
The demon swung then threw his sickles at the white haired male breaking through the roof,
Eh? What are those?! Wait, sickles!? The sickles are spinning, and turning back and round. It's a different weapon to what the sash demon used... What's happening? Is there another demon there? The scent of Uzui-sans blood! I have to back him up!
Insert laughing noises
"Here I come, Damn you! I've arrived, DUMBASS! Now, COUNT ON ME!" "INOSUKE! Wait.... Is zenitsu asleep?!" The boar head blocks the yellow haired male from his vision, Aggressive boar screaming
"Forget that, Can you two go back Uzui-san up, please?!" "Don't worry, and Leave it to me! Damn you!"
Insert inosuke posing and his sword going whoosh whoosh
"The great inosuke is going wild, All flashy-like!" "I'm sorry but- I have to go put nezuko back in her box." "I'll be back in a moment, So pardon me!!" "You're pardoned!" "Thank you!"

The white haired males protecting the civilians pointing his weapon at the demon ass bi-
"Oh, I'm really jealous, you know?
"You really such a good guy, eh. Protecting the people, ehh? Acting all cool, huh? oh. You've got it all good, you know? You saved their lives, eh? They've all got to be grateful and admire you and all, eh?" "Well, sure. I mean, I'm a flashy and fun, good-looking guy."

Your POV:
I stare at the white haired male, Feeling nostalgia and Curiousity.
"I've even got three wives."
The male demon stares at him, Trying to process what he said
"You've got three wives?!"
Ive seen him somewhere... I swear I have, but I just have to focus on comforting and helping daki. Nothing else.
Gyutaros starting to scratch himself in a more aggressive way, "That's some crap, Huh. EHH, THAT'S UNFORGIVABLE, EH?" His sickles got infused with his blood that spilled onto it, "demon blood art....:"
Swinging his sickles then creating a X, Thin layers of blood just like blades, and so many of them! I can't block all of em, and still protect them. He's picking something up from his pocket..
Insert explosion noise
"What? an explosion...? He fell to the first floor, huh." "RUN! AND HIDE." "O-OKAAY!"
"You're not getting away... You know? Swerve, flying blood sickle."

Woah weapons swinging and going whoosh whoosh

So he can control the slashes himself? Slashes of blood and won't stop till it hits the enemy and scatters... Those siblings. The sister didn't die when I cut her head off.. That's impossible. Will they both perish if I cut the brothers head off? Is the brother the main body? Either way, Ive got to go for it! Judging by these sounds, most people on the upper floor has fled already."

"Whoa! What the hell!?" "... Yeah. I didn't think it'd be easy."
Shit.. I got caught up in the explosion but the impact wasn't that hard, Luckily. (< Not tengens thought) "See? We're two parts of one whole, You know?"

HI THERE, here's a huge ass timeskip that I know you'll be unsatisfied with ᕦ( ᐛ )ᕡ

Your POV:
I get up from the rubble that was scattered on me, "ouch...what happened? I got knocked out mid-battle.." That scent, It smells like a demons head disintegrating... No, it can't be that.....
I get up from the rubble, Looking for the two demons that I was with.
I hear them.
So they did... Get their head cut off.
I smell a humans scent getting closer, I don't want to end up like them. I could kill that exact human alone but, I don't feel like doing that at all.

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