BS arc/filler? 2?$?3?!$$!$!(10)

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Kokushibou POV:
Now that I think of it....those hanafuda earrings that the boy have, is the same as yoriichi's I guess that may aswell be why.

Your POV:
"Hey... kokushibou, are you interested in anyone?" "Hm...? No, I'm a demon so I don't or cant really naturally feel love towards anyone anymore... And like I had a wife or somethin." "Oh, you had a wife..?" "What do you expect." "Sorry"  "So, Anyways.... Im gonna go now......since I'm hungry." "Ughh.." I groan, " Whatever, Bye" "Bye you cheeky idiot" "fuck you"

I lay on the ground, looking for a right time, and end up falling asleep anyway

Time skip
"Yawns aggressively hmmMm..Ugh.....Oh, It's morning already? Wait. Morning?! I FELL ASLEEP, MASTERS GOING TO KILL ME!!! wait but I can help track stuff including that blue flower he wants though, he's still going to kill me."

"Y/N, I thought you were capable of helping even a bit? Your pathetic little ass was sleeping while there was a demon who had conquered the sun." You got up on one knee and bowed your head, "...I am sorry."

"You're VERY lucky, that you're an important demon and is quite out of my control. Since you happened to be a hashira, You know where the slayers reside don't you?"

I nod my head politely, Even if I was out his control, He'd always know where I am, And is still able to hurt me. "Hm... Good good. We'd know where that demon that conquered the sun is then." "P-pardon me, But would I have to participate in a possible raid...?" "Yes, yes. You would, dear." (Not lying muzans fine but horrible tho) "I don't think I could...-" Cut off by my words, "Then just lead us, and you would watch. There are no buts to that." "...Yes sir." I raise my head looking at him, "After all, I barely have the will to hurt you, so don't ruin that."
I'm in a random House...It seems like... oh. It is my old house.
I look around, Randomly seeing Kokushibou laying down on the floor dying inside eternally
"Are you okay" "huh......oh hey" "hola amigo" "what's a hola amigo....uh anyway, I was forced to clean this whole place for you be proud and give me a thanks...please........" He stared at the ceiling looking absolutely restless, " Thank you..?" "Your bye" "what-" Strum and he was gone
Poof he went
I sigh, Sitting on the ground
This is so boring. It's morning and I can't go out... After a few minutes of thinking, "Wait! I GOT AN IDEA!!! As long as sunlight doesn't hit me, I WON'T BURN RIGHT?! AHAHAHAHAH IM A GENIUS!!!!" I yell proudly, "Maybe I can use some type of umbrella to go out" Standing up in pride, Looking around for an umbrella
Few mins later
"uuuGGGgghh..." Groaning in pain "Since when the flying fuck was this place so huge? No wonder kokushibou was fucking dying, anyway... where have I not checked.....?" I walk around again
Seeing soMeThiNg in the corner of my eye, I gasp, "AHA!! I FUCKING FOUND YOU BITCH!" I ran towards it and picked it up, "now let's fuck test this shit, I'm probably gonna die but who gives a fuck :D"
I revert to my human form and dress myself up, there we go... And then let's go test this shit out. I walk towards the entrance proudly, And walk a bit outside then open the umbrella, Raising it above my head and walking out, "now...if someone knocks it over as long as I'm in the shade I'm going to fucking eat them. Let's go now, wait. Who am I talki-" anywaaaaay
Wandering around the streets, Oh hey.. There's some commotion over there. I walk towards the crowd winding up, thankfully they're in the shade... I close my umbrella, "pardon me... Move aside." I get closer to the cause of the commotion, And see some people fighting, "oh, no wonder." Ones badly bruised, Ones defending the bruised, And One is the cause of the bruises. Walking near them, "Hey, hey. Now it isn't nice to cause so much commotion" "What's a pretty lady doing interfering. you don't even know what happened here you useless sl*t." I turn serious at those last words, "oh really? What happened." "This little shit was cheating on me with this bastard. So fuck off you h*e!"

Third person POV:
In an attempt for the male to hit the female demon, She grabs his hand and crushes it by force, "now... I'm sure that little shit had quite a reason." "AGGhh! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU-" "Y/N." "Huh?" She let's go of the males arm, "I haven't seen you in so long.." The male that was apparently with the little shit cheater whatever knows Y/N, "hmm...?" Turning around, suddenly!!!!! Shoot sound
"What the fuck- oh my leg got shot? Ugh what a pain....." She groans, "that's what you deserve you fuck!" The other male yells, the crowd gasping, "your really annoying you know, I can't regenerate in my human form. And I don't feel like reverting back" "reverting back to what...?" The badly bruised female says, "One word, Demon." "there's no such things as demons!" "Oh would you like to try that?"
"Yes over here, Y/N is in this way!" A sudden faint message was heard by the female demon. "Fuck. I have to go... I'd be faster but the sun."  The abusive male ass grabs my leg, "your not going anywhere" "haha. Your a funny guy." She stares at him while slowly reverting back, Her hair length getting longer and her skin getting paler. Using her other foot to cut off the males hand off of her then grabbing it, "thanks for the food, bye bitch" she opens the umbrella and ran away
The male groaning and screaming in pain, lol deserv-

Your POV:
"What the fuck was I thinking getting into that shit? What a stupid brain Y/N, tsk.... Wheres those little obsessed things that I used to be now? Oh shit I see some, I think those are fucking hashiras."

anyway that's the end of this shit
Pls don't forget to vote if you liked this.......
Also I'm gonna sketch y'all character, picrew actually wasn't quite the accurate thing and I uhm maybe made slight changes to how u look but I'm lazy to rewrite rn, I'll just post a sketch of it soon in a chapter
Ran out of ideas and writing may have been a bit scruffy my motivation was down the drain 😔

Thank u so fucking much
Proud of myself and people who were even here to support

Btw y'all comments can be funny as shit, giving me motivationSorry I can't reply to all

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Btw y'all comments can be funny as shit, giving me motivation
Sorry I can't reply to all

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