Meet again (5)

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Huge ass timeskip to where you've fully recovered cause like yes.
Half your break time later cause I forgot how long it was.

Your POV:
"It seems you've almost fully recovered now, You are able to go but please don't do too harsh decisions or attacks. Prevent from breathing in too deep, your lungs were kinda damaged along with your ribcage." "Right, thank you kocho!" "No problem, You are able to go and see your sister now"
I get up from the chair and walk towards the door. "Sis!! How were you doing while recovering? Sorry I left you for so long!" "It's alright, Perhaps I'll go star gazing again..." "I'll come with you!" "No, It's alright. Please don't worry about me! I'll sure to be more careful!"
The younger kanroji explained
"But I heard what shinobu said!" She grabs me by below the elbow shaking me In a passive-aggressive manner

"...Nevermind! I'll let you go.. But please be careful this time! If this happens again I will get someone or myself to come with you! Also get some bandages please!!"

Timeskip to where you meet UM 1 again such good logic 😍😍😍😍😍

I look around the place where you both last met, "I figured you'd come back.....But why would that be...?"
I pulled my sword out, But it was instantly taken away
"Looks like you weren't gripping onto this tightly..." He stabs it into me pinning me to a tree, He stares directly at me making eye contact
"...what about it? Would you become a demon or would you rather die a weakling...."
"Love breathing first form: Shivers of first love!" Someone yells out
It's her. My sister followed me, Probably out of worry
He jumps back, "Moon breathing first form: Dark moon, Evening palace" Kanroji is startled but dodges it in enough time
"Moon breathing...!?"
"Hel-" You cough up blood after trying to say just two words.
"Ah Sis! I knew I couldn't trust you alone!" She ran to you and pulled the sword out of you, You fell down from the tree as she is grabbing bandages out of her pocket
"How rude...interrupting someone's conversation." The demon says in a stern voice
Kanroji started wrapping the bandages around you even faster out of absolute fright
She then grips your sword tightly while holding you, to then flee from that place, "Wait...-" He stared at the both of you going away jumping from branch to branch.

Kokushibou's POV:
...Master told me to get her to the infinity fortress, So we could get information of where ubayashiki is, but... I might've messed that up.
I put my sword back.
"He's really not gonna be pleased with this....Or maybe."

Your POV:
He stabbed me directly at where the intestines are located in the human body... Not quite sure If I'll really recover with this.
"Do total concentration breathing! Now!" She goes back on ground,
you do as what she says

Kokushibous POV:
They didn't go too far. I can catch up. My objective is just to take that female away.
I run through the forest searching continually for those 2 little idiots
I see them, I have to take her, now.

Your/3rd person POV:
I'm on the floor, on my knees doing total concentration breathing
I can see an odd figure back there, Maybe I'm just hallucinating.
It seems to not be there anymore,
" you" Something muttered but something instantly picked me up, "WAIT SIS HE-" I yelled at the older kanroji, A hand instantly blocked my mouth
"shut up... You're coming with me."
He stays on a tree branch, He's waiting for something, But what is it? Strum
You heard a biwa strum, Now you're somewhere else
"Master...I've done as you said."
He puts me down on the floor and sits down politely staring at the ground, "Good, But first. What breathing does she use" You look up with your head seeing a plum red eyed male, "That...I don't know.." "Then ask her." "What breathing do you use? Answer quickly." "Stardust..." You whisper to the six eyed mtf, "She uses stardust breathing." "Okay, Anyway do what you want with her I don't even know why I made you bring her here, make her a demon and date her. I won't give a flying fuck"
".....right" Strum
You both were teleported to A random village, "Get up...on your knees." You stare at him.
"Do it or Ill fucking eat you"
You instantly did as what he said
He unsheathed his sword,
"Why the fuck do you have eyes on your blade" "I will devour every single bit of you if you don't stay quiet" He cuts his arm, "put your hands out like this." He instructs you, Placing his bleeding arm above your hands. 2 mins later lol
"Drink it, you're not allowed to drop a single droplet of blood otherwise....I'll slash the fuck out of you." You stare at him confused
then you just drink his blood cause you don't wanna be devoured
You start to choke, and a hell lot of your veins are popping out
"perhaps it was too much...oh well"

cliffhanger 👩🏻‍🦲
Word count:

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