BS filler thing

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Hi so I've been thinking about whether I should work on the rewrite or a new chapter, and I've decided both.

This was like discontinued almost last year a long time ago

Also your guys comments are funny as fuck I stayed up last night till like 12 am wheezing at them 💀...


You sped up on running, suddenly your hand slipped making the umbrella fall and you quickly go to the side, covering yourself under a houses outer roofs shade

"Oh fuck those demon slayers... Wait I used to be one. wait did I use to be one? Whatever, I almost killed myself there.." I try to speak while catching my breathe...


I heard the infamous biwa strum, as Kokushibou emerged from it, Tang!

The trapdoor shuts closed behind him, still staying. Is he here for a short visit so Nakimes waiting??

"....What trouble did you get yourself into this time, you idiot?" He stared. Before he suddenly remembers to ask something,

"And were you seriously just able to run in the sunlight using an umbrella?"

"Well can you blame me? I got tired of only running around at night only..."

"...And how didn't the sunrays from the side even burn you in the first place?"

"Uhm I guess the umbrella would block it from above and this is like a... Village? Town? I don't know. So houses would also block it from the side I guess..."

"You could've killed yourself if the sunray would've been upwards on the side peeking from the rooftop." He smacked my head looking pissed..

"Well its too bad you aren't my mom!" I respond aggressively as the trapdoor opens again behind him.


"Looks like my times over, Bye darling."

I flush slightly red, before realizing as hes about to step back inside it –


I suddenly hear a crow, as it caws loudly I notice its trying to signal demon slayers

"Oh shit!! Nakime!" I screamed as the trapdoor was about to crumble, it stopped. Opening as I ran jumping down hearing the same slayers voices closer

"Shes down the– ..!" The door shuts, as I suddenly fall into Kokushibous arms.

"Hi again." He stares blankly

"Oh em gees are you my prince charming?" I teasingly said raising my eyebrows up and down, he suddenly drops me as I fall hard onto the floor.

"Definitely not."
"Since when did you become so tsundere-ish?"
"...Since when did you become so nosy..?"

I gasp, dramatically acting like I'm super shocked as I felt doumas hand on my shoulder.

"Hey [Y/N]! I was so scared about the thought that you would've died!"

I turned to look at him, who seems to be sitting down staring at me so cheerfully..

"Douma..." "Yes!"

"Your acting sucks." I scoff.
"..." He stares at me. opening his eyes looking confused..

"Anyway Kokush–" I turn to look at him, but I stop noticing hes already gone..?

"Where the fuck did he go now?"
"Oh! He just walked away looking pissed. I dunno but I think I mightve annoyed him!!" He smiles like its something to be proud of...

"Uhm okay yea thanks...
Is this a meeting?"

"Hmm... Originally, no. But since every single of us just appeared here on the same time Muzan-sama decided to just host a meeting now!" I notice akaza, who is literally giving douma a death glare.

what is up with these two demons friendship..?

"It feels like sometimes burning on the back of my head.." He says in a lowly concerned tone.

"Master Muzan has now arrived." Nakime said in a calm tone.

We all bowed... In a forced way for some fucking reason but yea.

"I shall start an attack on the Demon Slayer Corps as of the next few days or weeks. Thanks to [Y/N] snitching where the Corps reside I got some information of Ubuyashiki."

He was up on the ceiling again, upside down with potions doing chemistry stuff...

"I'm anticipating that they already have a plan thought out because of the sudden appearances of demons lowering. So you guys are to aid me in this castle to eliminate those pests."

I could feel my pupils starting to shake slightly... Me? Fight what I used to be? No way... And my sister too.

I tried to shake the thought away as I knew muzan-sama would know about what I'm thinking..

"Thats amazing, Muzan-sama! I can't wait for the possible feast we will have today!" Douma exclaimed cheerfully.

The uppermoon meeting continued. I just stayed silent until it ended barely paying any attention...

After a while of waiting, the meeting finally ended. Everyone disappeared.

It was already night huh..
I could hear my stomach growl noticing I haven't ate anything for so long.

"I miss eating ramen, dango, and icecream..." I cried out with my palm on my tummy.

Suddenly a part of a ripped off arm appears on the ground.

"Where the fuck did that come from?"

I sniff it to sense if theres any blood.
It reeks of just normal human flesh...

I take a bite, eating it like a drumstick.

"Demon food is absolutely fucking disgusting." I complain while digesting the flesh...

Suddenly, I notice the noise nearby.
Hold up... Did I seriously get teleported near the headquarters?

I walk towards the concrete wall, jumping above it sitting down on the wall fences roof.

"Hm... This is the headquarters. But looks like no ones really here."

I shrug. Jumping down inside, I look at some stuff...

"Whos there?" I hear a Kakushis voice...
"Uhm... Its me, Rujime! A new kakushi, I'm just checking incase everythings fine here." I blatantly lie..


Hi thats everything 😪
Word count: 972 words

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