Night of the very war.

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Decided to add some more stuff to the demon thing:

Enhanced senses (hearing, movement, sight)

Yes for some reason your very overpowered, which is why your an uppermoon in the first place.

(Big timeskip.)

I waited around in a place of the infinity castle. I felt anxiety running down my very blood.

".. What do I do? What do I do, what do I do... Should I just wait here? Or wander around? I was spawned in quite a far place from the other demons.. I guess I should just walk around."

I opened the shoji, closing it behind me as I walked around long halls.

This places layout is confusing but I've somehow been able to grasp the layout a little.

Kokushibou should be on the west... Should I go to him? Or should I go to Kaigaku to help defend himself? Who do I go to...

I stopped walking before deciding.

"Perhaps Kokushibou... But he doesn't really need my help does he now? I dont even know who I'm talking to anymore.."

I fell onto the floor tiredly, still starving craving some human meat...

Douma offered me food but.. I'm tired of eating women he hands over to me.
Oh! I should go to Douma.

I start walking in Doumas direction..

"But hes very far away... So this'll be a problem."

After walking for so long, you hear a crow cawing.. Announcing something from a distance.

"Agatsuma has defeated uppermoon 6!"
Hm. Kaigaku was never really that strong anyway. I continued walking without concern...

I could hear blades swinging, and clashing from this distance..

I decide to speed up because walking slowly was starting to bother me with how late I could be, why did I get teleported so far away anyway?

"Tanjiro Kamado, And Giyuu Tomioka has crushed uppermoon 3! Caww! They have lost consciousness due to fatigue!! Knocked out!"

* Uppermoon 3? Akaza died? No way.
He seriously lost? Is that crow sure they didn't win by default?

I have to hurry. Everyone might actually die before I arrive. This isn't good. *

I started to hurry faster, gritting my teeth breaking the floor as I tried to fling myself down the long hallway, and barely stopped at a wall before taking a turn to Douma.

*Shit, I actually have to hurry. This isn't good, it really isn't good.*

As I reached the doors of Doumas territory, I felt his presence crumbling away.

"Shit. Did he seriously already fucking die? Gosh damn it all those efforts for nothing, I ran to the other side of this place. I saw Doumas crumbling head as 2 people were there..

"Kanao... Inosuke. This isn't good, Everyones dying."

I felt a sharp stare, turning back to the wall hiding myself transforming myself into my human form to erase my presence..

The other one was having a mental breakdown about something, as one was in the water starting to cry grasping something in their chest.

I stopped breathing, waiting for them to leave...

As they left, I ran towards where Douma crumbled..

"He should've left something." I suddenly hear a loud crash, that was near Kokushibous area. I should head there quick.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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