Chapter [6]

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3rd Person POV

“Introducing Amity Blight” the man announced to the auditorium filed with many fans anxiously awaiting to see her. The only problem was, well… everything. Luz was passed out in the middle of the convention center, Amity was having a panic attack nowhere near the auditorium. Willow was giving Boscha a lecture and the Noceda siblings were desperately trying to wake Luz up. The Blight siblings and Gus were given the task of stalling and are currently failing miserably at a magic act. Only one thing was going through everyone’s mind at the moment ‘how did we end up in this situation.’

Amity’s POV (5 hours ago)

“And then she just left without saying anything, I mean what does she’s expect me to do? To just text her a different more ‘original’ pick up line, do you know how much time that could take?” Boscha complained using air quotes when she said original as she continued to do my makeup for the Q&A.  “I mean I wasn’t even over there to flirt with her, I was there to set you and Luz  up.” She stated before quickly stopping when she noticed what she just said. “What was that Boscha” I asked menacingly “uhh, I wasn’t even there to flirt with her” Boscha stated nervously. “I meant the other thing” I said glaring at her threateningly through the mirror as she gulped in fear.

“IwastheretosetyouandLuzup” she said quickly before covering her face with her hands to block any attacks I might throw at her. “YOU WERE WHAT!” I yelled in anger “I was trying to set you and Luz up but before you get mad here me out” she said quickly still fearing for her life. “Boscha, you have exactly 30 seconds to explain yourself and run before I kill you.” I stated completely forgetting what we were previously doing.

“OkaysoIwaswatchingyousignLuz’sautographandyouobviouslyhadathingforhersoIthoughtIcouldhelpyououtandIrealizenowthatwasabadideaandIdont’twannadiesobye” she stated so fast I could barely tell what she was saying. After she caught her breath she ran away trying to avoid my wrath.  True to my word. I waited another 5 seconds until my timer went off and I started chasing her. I only loss a couple seconds but Boscha was fast and I couldn’t tell which way she went.

“Where’d she go” I asked my older siblings so coldly there face paled a little. “Uhh, where’d who go” Emira asked trying to play coy. “You know exactly who I’m talking about” I replied with a glare as they tried to hide behind each other. They quickly composed themselves before saying “we really don’t know who you’re looking for.”  I knew they were lying but I  was too angry to properly interrogate them.

Boscha POV

As soon as I finished explaining myself I ran as fast as I could to avoid Amity’s rage. While trying to find a steel bunker to wait out Amity’s anger I ran into Amity’s older siblings. “You have to help me Amity’s going to kill me“ I stated in a rush. “No way she’s scary when she’s mad” Edric replied with a shudder as he remembered the last time he made Ams angry. “Yeah that’s an instant death sentence” Emira agreed, “I’ll pay you 100 bucks” I stated running out of time “deal” they said and I ran away after giving them a hundred dollar bill.

I was currently hiding in the janitors closet praying to whichever God that’ll listen that she didn’t find me. I could hear footsteps in the distance and immediately tensed up. ‘please don’t find me, please don’t find me” I think to myself as the footsteps stopped by the closet. “I swear to God Boscha, if you left this convention center I will kill you… again” she stated passing my  hiding spot. I let out a sigh of relief after I heard her footsteps fade in the distance.

As soon as I was sure it was safe I peaked my head out the door still very conscious of my surroundings. “Phew” I stated relief filling my words ‘now for the good part’ I think to myself as I take out my phone.

Me: Hey bae can you do me a favor

Willow: I’m not your bae and stop
texting me cheesy pick up lines

Me: so you'll do the favor

Willow: What do you want

Me: see that’s were you’re wrong being the selfless person I am I’m actually here to help your friend

Willow: just tell me what you want before I block you

Me: okay, okay geez, someone’s never heard of build up

Me: okay here’s the plan

Time Skip

I made it to the spot we agreed to meet up at praying that Amity was to far away to kill me. I sprinted over to Willow and her friends ready kick project Lumity into action. “Okay let me be quick, Luz, Amity Blight needs to tell you something” Luz bust out laughing not believing me witch I expected. I quickly face timed Amity, “Boscha, I swear to God when I-“ she cut off when I turned the phone to Luz. She quickly composed herself and made sure she looked alright “Oh, hi Luz” she said and Luz was in utter shock. “Tell her” I commanded but she just played coy “I have no idea what your talking about.” She stated lying through her teeth, “tell her or I will” I said without hesitation. “Okay fine, Luz Noceda, I have a crush on you” Luz, now out of her trance fainted after hearing what she just said.

3rd Person POV

Everyone rushed to catch her while Amity panicked at the thought of what she just said. She accidentally dropped her phone when she actually processed what had happened thus ending the call with Boscha. Back at the convention center Edric and Emira were watching the whole thing from a distance. “uhm guys, I know it's not a good time but, the Q&A starts in like 5 minutes.” They stated not really wanting to make the situation worse, “fuck” Boscha mumbled under her breath.

“Does anyone know magic” Boscha asked totally done with everything. "I do" Gus, Emira, and Edric said in unison.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I had a lot of fun writing this. I wanted to post this earlier, but I had this concert for school and anxiety is a bitch. I was literally holding back a panic attack. Anyway that's all, have a great day/ morning/ night peace ✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾

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