Chapter [15]

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So funny story, I'm not dead (suprise) please except this very late chapter as an apology. It's not angsty I promise! So uhm are we cool? Also I'm not sure if I already mentioned this but I do have a tumblr (link in bio) and I'm a lot more active on there so if I fall off the face of the Earth again you know where to find me. I also have an AO3 (same username) so I'm probably going to like back and forth between accounts because this one is getting a little cluttered. They'll be different fics on the two different accounts and I might post rewrites on there so uhm yeah please enjoy.


I woke up early, eager to keep learning about acting. I was actually really excited to meet my new mentors for my first full lesson. However I was confused about how they would give me years worth of experience and practice with in 3 days. I walked up to the house again, this time knowing what to expect and knocked on the door. Eda immediately opened the door and dragged me in, “listen kid there’s no room for error there’s only 3 days left,  so I’ll ask you one more time. Are you ready” I nodded my head in determination.  

Mx. Whispers taught me a lot about getting into character. They were so good they could’ve been a spy if they wanted to. I made sure to put my all into each line I delivered, every now and then getting a critique about how I can deliver it better. Halfway through my practice Eda dragged me to her office.

“Kid you’re perfect for the part, but you have no skin in the game. No one is going to take you seriously without some type of background experience.” Eda said discouraging me, “I thought you said you had a connection.” I said getting worried, “I do, but that’s only going to get you halfway through the door. So when you go up there kid, make sure to give it your best shot.” I nodded my head and responded with a confident “yes, sir."

3 days later

Here I am, after 3 days of intense practice and rereading the entire series I made it to the audition. Half of me is confident that I have a good chance of getting the part and the other half is expecting me to get kicked out the moment I walk in. Eda and Rain's teaching methods were interesting , they were hands on and it helped me to understand the characters  more.

When I asked them about it, Eda said that most of the actors trying out for the role are more interested in the paperwork than the character. And that the thing that’s going to get me the role isn’t the experience but my  ability to inhabit the character. That was the inspiration I needed to convince myself to walk into the studio. While looking for the casting room I ran into the cutest Blight. “Oh. Amity. Hi" I said awkwardly helping her up.

“Oh, hey Luz” she said as she got back on her feet. “Are you here to try out for Jordan?” Amity asked remembering that I wanted to try out for the part. “Yeah, today is my last day here so I wanted to give it  a try” I stated disappointed my time here is coming to an end. “But, I still have the rest of the day to enjoy since I’m not officially going to leave until tomorrow morning. And who knows, if by some miracle I get the part I might stay longer.” I stated still not completely ready to leave L.A. “actually, if you’re up to it. I was kind of planning to do something tonight to commemorate my last day in L.A. Would you maybe want to come?" I asked nervously hoping that I wasn’t too forward.

“Sure” she replied causing a huge smile to grace my lips.   “Yay!” I exclaimed as I engulfed her in a hug before quickly letting go. “Sorry, reflex. I should’ve aske for the” I said looking down in shame. “It’s okay, I forgive you” she said her face  a little red, making me smile a little. “Uhm, before you go could you maybe show me the way to the casting room?” I asked a little embarrassed, she chuckled a little before replying with sure.

As we walked through the halls I awed at the pictures that lined the walls. There were so many posters and scenes from cinematic masterpieces each signed by the director and the star. ‘Someday’ I think to myself in determination. Me and Amity walked in silence every now and then I would ask her about one of the rooms we'd pass. As we walked on the hardwood floors I thought back to a memory it reminded me of and let out a laugh. “What?” Amity asked with a curious smirk, “it’s just, the floor made me think about this time when I was younger. Me and Vee used to wear socks and slide on the hardwood floor. One time I was sliding faster than usual and fell causing me to loose a tooth.(true story)” I said as Amity started laughing, “where  you okay” she asked trying to catch her breath.

“Yeah, my mom was just mad I was being reckless” I said waving off the question. “Well here’s your stop, I should get going before someone sees me. It was nice seeing you Luz” Amity said as she walked began to walk away. After about 20 minutes someone finally called me into he casting studio. “So, you’re Edalyn's student. I trust you know your lines” a woman presumably Lilith asked. “Yes ma’am” I said a little curious about her relationship with Eda ‘maybe she’s Eda's connection’ I think to myself curious. “Well, you may start when you are ready” she said snapping me back to reality. The room was dark and intimidating, the only source of light was the one shining on me. I had read about this before, they would try to psych you out on purpose to see if you were going to crack under pressure.

I thought back to that drill Eda would make me do she’d make me sit in the middle of the room and shine a spotlight on me. No one would actually be in the audience but it was very nerve wracking. Thinking back to that calmed my nerves a little and brought back my confidence. ‘I won’t choke’ “Hi my  name is Luz Noceda and I’m auditioning for Jordan.”
I said no angst cliffhangers are free  game. Have a good day/ night/ morning peace ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

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