House of a Hero

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Sisu woke up feeling something warm and wet on her forehead. She shot up, remembering what happened just last night. The moist cloth dropped from her forehead and All Might heard the helpless cry from the living room. He rushed to her. Sewing her hyperventilating with fright.

"Hey, Sisu. Calm down, you're safe."
He sat down next to her, clasping her shoulders. "Breathe."

"Toshi, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" she started to babble crazily, trying to get everything that was plaguing her mind out of her mouth all at once.

"Sisu." He ordered her. "Calm down." He told her sternly. Sisu tried to steady her breathing but it took longer than expected. When she was ready to talk, she looked at him it's her big silver eyes.

"What happened? Why did you come to my home?" He asked her.

"I...did something bad." She looked like a scolded puppy, she hated this feeling. She hated being the one to ask for help. All Might crossed his arms and looked down at her sorry self.

"Is that so?" He sighed. "What did you do?"

"Remember when you said that I one day I would steal from the wrong person?" She sank back into the chair, knowing he would start yelling.

"Yeah?" He was waiting for the bad news. "Spit it out, Sisu."

She said nothing and pulled out the little black box that she had swiped from Shigaraki. He took the box and opened it, his eyes shot open in shock and stared at her, she decided to start apologizing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was stealing and I regret it. Please say something...oh God. What are you looking at me like that?"

"Shut up." He told her, looking down at the viles of formula. "You don't know what this is?" He asked.

"No, I don't." She shook her head.

"You just stole a drug that enhances people's quirks." He shook his head. "I shouldn't be telling yo this but...there was a group of villains-"

"The League of Villains."

"Well, yes but not just them. They ran into a guy called Kai Chisaki, he was experimenting on a child and was able to make this serum to enhance quirks...the original prototype was lost, the League of Villains stole it. How did you even get this?"

"Yeah that's the thing, I was were right, I stole from the wrong person."

"No." All Mights serious expression on his face changed. "You actually stole from the right person. The police have been trying to get this out of their clutches for almost a year."

" mean, I just helped the police?" She made a disgusted face.

"Look at that, little Sisu is a hero." He smiled.

"Oh no..." she pulled the blanket over her head and groaned. "I think I'm going to be sick!" All Might chuckled at her behavior.

"Face it, Sisu. You just saved Tokyo."

She shot back up and grabbed for the box, " No I'll give it back."

"Hell no. This is going in a safe place until I can get it to the police station. Thank you, Sisu."

"You're welcome, I guess." She rolled her eyes. "There's only one problem."

"What's that?" He asked her.

"They saw me...the real me. They know what I look like Toshi. The League of Villains are searching for me."

His cheerful demeanor sank back to disappointment and he shook his head, "That's why you brought your bags, isn't it?" He asked.

"Does that offer to stay with you still stand?" She asked apologetically.

"You need me to save you Sisu?" He asked sarcastically.

"Shut up!" She laughed. "Yes, I'll admit it, Toshi. I need you to save me."

He stood there with a triumphant look on his face, "Good."

"Oh God, stop beaming like a child right now." She said a little annoyed by his cheerful face.

"Come on, I'll show you to your room." He led her up a pair of stairs and down a hallway. His home was big but it wasn't a mansion, it was simple and quaint. He had a few art works on the walls of him and some scenery, the crisp white walls reflected the morning sunlight. The decor was red white and blue, probably to mimic his hero suit, the couch was blue along with the two recliner chairs on either side. He had a few throw pillows here and there and throw blankets that dotted the seating of the living room. His kitchen had an island with only the best appliances to cook his food and the floors were beautiful oak floorboards. Upstairs, there was a soft carpet of royal blue and white washed walls. He opened the door to the guest room. The walls were a light blue, a peaceful shade to relax the nerves. There was a tall window where a few plants sat upon the sill. The bed was adorned with a dusty blue comforter and matching pillows. There was a dresser and a nightstand along with a couple of comfy chairs next to a bookshelf. She looked around the room, taking in the vibe, she stared at the bed. She hadn't slept in a bed in three years. She felt the fluffiness of the cushions and sat down on the edge of it before she looked back at the number one hero.

"Will it do, Princess?" He said sarcastically.

"It's better than nothing." She chuckled. "Thank you, Toshi."

"Any time." He placed her bags and Lute down on the floor. "I'll leave you to get situated." He said shutting the door behind him. She laid back on the bed, letting the soft comfort of the bed overcome her. She missed this, she missed sleeping in a bed. Her hammock was comfortable too but it was nothing compared to the luxurious bed she was sinking into. She didn't realize it but her body was starting to relax and her eyes grew heavy, falling asleep once again.

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