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The night grew silent for the five kids and they all retired to the hotel room for the rest of the night. All of them felt exhausted, smelling of chlorine and their muscles aching from the fun night in the pool.

Sisu unlocked the door and entered the bathroom to shower and change and came out to see each of her friends claiming a part of the room for themselves. Sato and Deku took the couches and Mina had decided to join Sisu in the bed. Sero, being the hippie he was, put up his hammock closest to the huge window of the room.

They all looked cozy and warm, ready to fall asleep at any minute. Sisu approached the connecting door and knocked on it. She wanted to visit All Might before she went to bed.

"Come in." The voice said on the other side of the door. She opened the door and walked in to see Toshi sitting there on the couch, watching tv.

"I didn't think you were awake."

"Yeah, I'm atill up. I just finished up some paperwork, I'm just relaxing now." He replied, the tv casting a glow upon his face. Sisu sat next to him on the couch and joined him to watch a little television with him, "I just wanted to check on you." She said earning a chuckle from him.

"Okay, Mom." He joked. "Isn't that my job?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I haven't seen you since we checked in." She looked at him with those reflective eyes of hers. Toshi knew that look, he didn't think he would see that expression so soon but it melted his heart to see it, "If you missed me, just say so." He chuckled.

"Okay, I missed you." She hugged his side.

"Aww, I missed you too, kid." He hugged her shoulders. Toshi knew that certain characteristics would come forth during her healing process, she seemed to be at the stage of wanting her new Dad close and in her sight. It came from the fear of losing him, it was irrational but it was something she had to be comforted and reassured through, "Its okay, Sisu." He looked down at her, cuddled up to his side, feeling safe and protected.

She tensed, knowing that he had read her, "...I know."

"I wont leave you." He assured her. She nodded and fixed her eyes on the screen, still worried and frozen from the fear of the impending fate that she still hadn't met...The League of Villians.

"Promise?" She asked him.

"I promise, Sisu." He placed a protective hand upon her head. Whatever happens, he cannot leave her. The League wanted him dead and wanted Sisu dead, if he had no other choice he would die to keep her safe. Sisu would never leave him that choice, her wish for him was only to stay with her and stay alive. In all honesty, she deserved that much even if it sounded impossible.

"I love you, Dad." She squeezed him tight, as if holding onto him for dear life. He let out a breath, startled by her words. Never in his life did he ever think that he would ever hear those words, let alone being called such a name. A strong sense of purpose settled itself in his chest, he had to keep her safe at all costs. She trusted him so much.

He kissed the top of her head, "I love you too, Sisu. Everything is going to be okay." He fixed his eyes on the tv. "I'll save you one more time."

"...Okay." The reality of the possibility losing Toshi too hit her hard like a ton of bricks. A tear rolled down her cheek as she kept a hold of her hero. Not him...not now...not ever...Please, let her have just one good thing in her life!

Silence filled the room, both of them knew how each other felt. There was no denying the fact that the encounter with the League was looming over them like a dark shadow. The uncertainty of the situation made both of their stomachs churn with fright. Sisu's grip on him weakened and he looked down to see her asleep, what a precious thing she was.

Toshi gently stood from the couch and carried her to the adjoining room, the kids were already asleep and Sisu would be more comfortable in bed. he tip toed through the room and placed her on the bed before he retired to his own room to sleep.

The morning came and Sisu woke up to the room in a bustling frenzy, everyone was getting ready for school. Sisu was so tired that she threw the blankets over her head, trying to keep out the noise. Deku came and sat down at the edge of the bed to gently nudge her awake, "Sisu. Come on, its time for school."

"I know...but you all are so noisy." She groaned.

Deku chuckled and tore the blankets from her and helped her out of bed. She didn't even care about her appearance today. She had failed to get the UA uniform yet so she threw her purple hair in a messy bun and changed into some oversized sweats and a red top. She left with them as they walked down the street to the school, wasn't there something that she was forgetting?

Oh! the fact that the rest of the class hated her, yeah...

A heaviness collided onto her shoulders as she started waking up and realizing the situation. She rolled her eyes, no wonder she felt a bit off this morning. They entered the classroom and her face lit up when she saw Toshi sitting in his usual spot. She took her place next to him and refused to look at the class, she could already feel their eyes upon her. Aizawa glanced at Sisu and then at his class, "Okay, I understand there was an incident last night. I won't go into detail but I do know everything that went down. All Might here has informed me." He looked at her again, still avoiding any eye contact, even his.

"I had to look at the security footage to find out who the real culprit was." His eyes fell on Uraraka. "I can tell you for certain that it wasn't Sisu who had stolen your belongings."

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