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Young Sisu walked home from school, holding a string of beads. she played with them in her hands, seeing the beautiful glass beads shine in the sunlight. Lux would be home by now, she couldn't wait until she gave her sister her art project. She worked hard on it. She turned to her block and heard a commotion from the distance...What was happening? She looked up from her own creation to see ambulance parked in front of her house. Everything slowed...her necklace dropped and fell apart as she ran towards her house. As she neared the driveway she could see her sister being carried out on a stretcher, blood pooling out from under her.

Sisu's heart burstand she pushed through the paramedics to get to her beloved sister, What happened? Not her too! Her bright purple hair was covered in blood and her electric blue eyes were blank, lifeless. The murmurs of the paramedics went in and out of her hearing, "Her heart rate is dropping, she's going into shock..."

"We need to get her to the hospital now!" another replied.

"Please, get out of the way, we have to-" Someone tried taking Sisu away from the scene.

"GET OFF OF ME!" She turned to the man, gripping her sister's cold wrist.

"Didn;t you hear what the man said." She felt a familiar rough grip holding her arm and pulling her away from the scene. she met her Step Dad's face which was also covered in blood.

"YOU!" Sisu turned and punched her father in the face before blasting his arm to get away from him. Her mother came to keep her from doing anything else to the man and explained what had happened.

"Sisu, it wasn't his fault! Lux fell from the upstairs window."

"How many times will you make excuses for this evil man?!" She looked back at him. "You killed her, didn't you?!" She screamed for the whole neighborhood to hear. The pain was too awful to bear, she had lost her whole world. She had lost everything...Her Baba...and now her little sister?! Why? her grief seeped to her feet, fueling them to move as she ran away, never looking back.

Sisu snapped out of her horrid memory, she had found herself at her real father's door step again. She didn't know where else to go. She didn't want to let anyone else down. She didn't want to see anyone she knew...She just answer. She knocked on the door, the impulsive movement gave her chills down her spine as she waited for someone to open it.

A few minutes went past and someone opened the door, "Who are you?" A woman with bown hair came to the door. Sisu froze in her place, did she visit the wrong house?

"I'm sorry, I was looking for a man named Rei Yori?" She looked up at the woman.

"Oh, thats my husband. Give me a minute." She left the doorstep to go and get him, she breathed slowly, calming her jittery nerves. She paced back and forth until someone arrived at the door, "Hello?"

His voice diverted her anxiety and she looked up at him, There he was standing there with his arms crossed. He looked completely lost on why a teenaged girl would turn up on his porch.

"He-hello..." she smiled. "I...uhm...I don't know if you know me but-"

"I don't think so. I have never met you. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"...I know this is sudden but...I'm your daughter. My name is Sisu."

He looked her up and down, stopping at her eyes..."Who was your mother?" he asked.

"Kyona Arakan."

"Oh my God." He muttered to himself. "Why did you come up here? Did your mother send you here?" He asked. Sisu looked at him confused. "What?"

"What do you want? money? what did you come all this way for?" He asked a little flustered. Her smile faded and her eyebrows furrowed, "I came all of this way to see you." She replied. "What do you mean by that?" She asked.

Rei looked at her, not an ounce of remourse or shame, "I have a family now. I can't just...This is really bad timing." He raked his fingers through his white hair. "You shouldn't be here, please. I don't need this right now."

Sisu's heart dropped to her stomach, this couldn't be...why didn't he recieve her? She sighed and looked at him, meeting the silver eyes that mirrored hers, "Bad timing? You want to talk about bad timing? The day you left was bad timing!"

"Look, Sisu-"

"No. I'm through not being heard. Bad timing? I'm so sorry for the bad timing but you left me with a mother who didn't give two shits about me and a step father who used to put his cigarettes out on my skin! Not to mention, the times he would wake me up in the middle of the night to beat me senseless until I blacked out. My mom kept making excused for him because she was convinced that she loved him even though she would see everything. You had a younger daughter too. Did you forget about her?"

The man looked completely perplexed at the speech, the shame weighing down on his shoulders. Here was his eldest daughter, pouring out her heart to the one man who she thought could save her rom her own demons...and all he could think about was how inconvenient it was.

"Your youngest daughter, she couldn't make it. Do you want to know why?" Angry tears streamed down her face. "She was pushed from the highest window of our house and she landed, impaled by the wrot iron fence. If you want to visit her, I'll give you the address to her fucking grave!"

Rei stood there now shocked of the words coming out of her mouth, "Sisu...I am sorry for your loss, I truly am. But-"

"Daddy! you're missing dinner!" a beautiful brunette girl came running to the door and looked at Sisu straight in the eyes...she had the same silver eyes. Rei looked back at his child and shooed her away before meeting her eyes again.

"Losing Lux should be your loss too...she was your blood." She told her.

"What do you want me to be, Sisu? A hero? I made my mistakes, don't remind me of them by showing up."

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