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Sisu climbed down from her window from All Mights house and walked back into the night, making her way to her old home again. She didn't know why she felt the urge to go back to her old house, there was no way to explain the tether that kept pulling her back. She just knew that somehow, she had to go back. Maybe it was because she loved seeing them just as miserable as she was, maybe it was the fact that she was thankful that she left. Or maybe it was the shock never wore off, the shock of losing her sister, Lux in that house. The fact that she couldn't run back to her Baba's house when she felt scared. The fact that she still couldn't believe that her very own father treated her so horribly.

Whatever reason, it pulled her. It beckoned her back to the hell that she had lived in for twelve years, still checking to see if it was real. She stood in the back yard, the lights on and she could hear screaming from where she was standing. She peeked through the window to see her father screaming at her mother for breaking a plate, it slipped from her hands as she washed it.

Sisu shook her head, what right did he have to scream at her?! What an ugly, hairy waste of space full of beer and hot air. He sat on his ass all day when she went out to earn money for the house. She didn't miss it. She didn't miss anything from her old life, she finally had peace and quiet.

"What good are ya if you always end up busting something?!" He asked, a vein popping out of his neck.

"Im sorry-"

"Oh, you're sorry?" He said in a soft pitiful voice. "SORRY ISN'T GOING TO PAY FOR A NEW ONE!"

Sisu clenched her fists, her father screamed bloody murder, feeling his skin burn all over. Her mom watched in horror as he writhed on the floor in pain. She stopped when she thought he had had enough and she fled from the scene before anyone spotted her.
She sprinted all the way back to Toshi's home, creeping into the house silently. She swiftly slipped back into her room to cry herself asleep.

Toshi woke up the next morning groggy, he stumbled his way to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee for the day. He sat down at the counter tiredly, listening to the coffee maker rumble away as it made the energizing brown liquid. He didn't sleep well, the way Sisu left for her bedroom was still engrained in his mind. It pained him to hear her say such a thing, that she was meant to be fatherless.

Nana was like a mother to him, he didn't question anything. She cared for him and protected him as if he were her own. She raised him up to be an amazing hero, he wanted that for Sisu too. She had such a warped way of thinking, the world she was surrounded by accepted the circumstances instead of breaking past them.

He spotted her come down the stairs in the same manner that he did, her eyes were red and puffy from her tears from the other night. Her nose was as red as a cherry which let out a rendition of sniffles here and there. "Good morning, sunshine." He joked.

"Morning, cupcake." The sarcasm in her voice was half hearted, she was too exhausted to make a better come back. She pulled out two coffee cups and poured them both a cup.

"Thank you, Sisu." He accepted it, sipping from the rim. "You look like you've had quite a night."

She said nothing, she just stuck out her tongue.

"That's flattering." He snickered. "Mind telling me why you look like you've cried all night?" he asked.

She placed her mug on the counter, sitting across from him. "Nothing gets past you." She said, shaking her head. "That movie just stirred up some old feelings is all." Her head dropped, watching the reflection of her face in the coffee.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that it would-"

"It's okay. It's not your fault." She managed to give him a smile, covering up her hurt once more. Toshi frowned, why wouldn't she just let him in? He sighed, the only way to get Sisu out of her funk was to distract her. He realized that she loved distractions, it made her feel less sorrow. "Okay, what's it going to take for you to smile today?" He asked.

Sisu looked up at him strangely. "I just gave you a smile."

Toshi gave her a look, "A real one, dunce."

"... I don't know." Her fingers traced the rim of her mug. "I kind of just want to stay home." She said in such a Melancholy voice. Her demeanor was even depressing him. "We have to break our tie from the other day." He enticed.

She glanced up at him, a ghost of a smirk upon her face.

"You know what, I have an idea. Get dressed."

"But I don't wanna."

"Do it, you'll thank me later." He drummed on the counter before leaping up the steps to get ready himself. Sisu finished her coffee and headed upstairs to get dressed. She pulled on a over sized t shirt with roses printed upon it and black leggings. She didn't bother with her violet hair. She popped in her contacts and headed back to the kitchen where Toshi had been waiting.

"You look nice." He complimented.

"Thanks." She looked up at the looming man above her. "Where are we going, Toshi?" She asked, not really in the mood to go anywhere.

"It's a surprise."

"Nope, I don't do surprises today-" she went to leave but Toshi caught her by the shoulders. "Please, Toshi...I just want to go back to bed."

"Car, now." He met her eyes, his own looking into hers with sincerity. "It's going to be good."

"Okay." She shrugged his hands off of her shoulders and they left the house. Toshi drove for a while, it looked like he was driving out of town. The city buildings quickly became field and hills. She glanced at Toshi who sat content driving her to their destination, "You're bringing me out here to murder me aren't you?"

"Don't be so dramatic." He replied. "This would be the first place they would look anyways." He chuckled.

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