F*ck Everyone Else.

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She closed her eyes, feeling his fingers brush her hair...this was nice.

Deku pov.

This was so cool! I wonder how her quirk does this, does she have UV in her veins to where the hair follicles contain them too? If that is true then she must have a lot of power. I wonder if I'm okay with touching her hair like this, UV can cause some serious illnesses if one is exposed to it for too long...I'm rambling again. I sighed, ripping my attention away from the wonderment her quirk gave me to her contented face.

Her eyes were closed and her cheeks pulled at the corners of her mouth to paste a slight grin on her cute face. She looked so beautiful, even now that she was glowing she looked like some sort of neon angel who decided to visit the earth just to see the sunset.

When she turned off her quirk, I realized how dark it really was outside. She was so bright that I almost forgot about the sun going down.

"Deku." She spoke.


"You can let go of my hair now." She giggled.

"Oh, sorry." I pulled away gently, I didn't want to accidentally pull her hair.

"What about you, do you have any useless facts about yourself?" she asked, gazing over at me. I thought for a second, do I? "Oh, well I can do a pretty good impression of All might."

"Really? I wanna see." She said, her full attention on me. I contorted my face to make it look like him and deepened my voice to match his, "I AM HERE!"

End Deku pov.

Sisu stared at him for a second before bursting into laughter, "hahaha! That's pretty good!" Deku couldn't help but join in with her infectious laughter, it was addicting to hear. "Okay, what about slightly interesting. What have you got?" Deku asked.

Sisu took a breath and looked at him, "I can play the Lute."

"A lute? What's a lute?" He asked. He had never heard of such an instrument.

"It's a mid century instrument, it kind of looks like a small guitar but sometimes it has more than six strings."

"Wow. Where did you learn how to play that?"

"My Baba." She looked down at the water under the street lamp light.

"That's cool, where does he live?"

"In heaven." She sighed. Deku felt like a fool for asking.

"Im so sorry-"

"It's okay. You didn't know." She smiled at him. "Wow, we already got into deep shit." She joked. The tension in the air didn't leave as much as she wanted to laugh it off. Deku laid a hand on hers to comfort her, "Care to tell me about him?" He asked.

The feeling of his hand holding hers wasn't electrifying, it didn't give her butterflies either...it felt freeing. Free from her worries and cares of the world is how she felt when he touched her hand. "I don't mind...he was my real Dad. I don't care what anyone says. He would always tell me to come and see him if things at home were getting too rough. I would come over, crying and all a mess from the trauma and he would just clean me up, wrap me in a blanket and hold me until I fell asleep." She sighed.

Deku listened to her, they way her face lit up talking about her Baba made him smile. Even from beyond the grave, he was still her peace. "He would sometimes get so angry and he would go to my parents home and beat the shit out of my Step Dad." She giggled a little at the memory. "I'm not going to lie, it felt good to see him with a black eye for once. I didn't mind that Baba standing up for me sometimes made things worse for me...at least someone was defending me." Deku heard her voice break and his grip tightened on her hand slightly.

He felt a rage he never felt on her behalf. Who would do such a thing to someone so ...incredible? "Every time my parents were out of the house, I would go see him and he taught me the Lute and the old songs he used to play. It kind of became my therapy."

"I am so proud of you, Sisu." He told her. She looked at him confused.

"Why are you proud of me?" She asked.

"You've endured so much and yet you're still pushing through. You choose to keep going after everything that's happened to you. I am proud of you for that."

She gave him an appreciative grin, "You just reminded me of All Might just now. That is something he would say."

"Well...we do share DNA." He joked.

"True." She gently let go of his hand and looked into his green eyes. "What's your deep shit?" She asked.

"Well, you're not the only one with father problems, I guess." he knotted his knuckles together nervously. He had never spoken of his father before to anyone, not even All Might. "I never met him."

"Oh. Wow, Deku. I'm so sorry."

"Honestly, I think I'm a little grateful that I don't. If he were here, I would've never met All Might. He's kind of like a Dad to me now, even if my Dad came back to see me...I think I'd still choose All Might."

"Technically, I never met mine either. My real father, anyway. Mom never spoke about him, I never asked either...it's like he never existed since he was never brought up." She shrugged.

"Would you ever want to meet him?" He asked.

"...Maybe? I think I'd be too scared to know what he thinks of me."

"Right." He nodded. It was a possibility. "You're a great person, regardless. Fuck everyone else." He smiled. She chuckled at him, she never pictured him ever cursing. She took his hand again, wanting to feel that freedom she had when he touched her, "Fuck everyone else."

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