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"I was wrong," comes the admission, a truth Shouto isn't sure he's able to handle completely just yet.

Aizawa sits silently, tired eyes prodding at Shouto for elaboration.

Shouto averts his gaze. "My sister lied to me about something regarding my mother's availability." Aizawa's eyebrows pinch together, and so Shouto continues. "There was a potluck at the psychiatric hospital. My sister was supposed to tell me about it and she didn't, not until the day of." Aizawa's look of confusion is nothing if not frustrating.

"She lied to me that I couldn't go to see my mom," he summarizes, folding his arms, gaze set on Aizawa's.

Aizawa only sips from his coffee expectantly, which is not doing much to settle Shouto's nerves.

"Why won't you say anything?"

Aizawa shrugs, "You look like you have more to share."

He's not wrong. Shouto has about a million words to say and none of them are that friendly.

"I guess I really want to know why," he settles with. "My sister could've picked any other day to trap me over at Endeavor's home. Even though I ended up going, in the end, I still missed hours of the event because I didn't know."

"You can blame it on her, you know."

Shouto stays silent.

"You said it was because you didn't know, but that wasn't your fault. Your sister didn't tell you, therefore it's at least partially her fault," he elaborates.

Shouto shakes his head, "I should've asked earlier on. I don't like that she didn't tell me but-"

"But nothing. You can just say that you don't like what she did and that you're angry with her," Aizawa interrupts again, and Shouto doesn't want to be angry with Fuyumi. She went through so much. She's finally getting the dad she wanted, and now she's trying to put together the family she's always wanted. That's okay. She deserves it. Shouto can sacrifice that small bit of pride if it makes her happy.

Except, she's not sacrificing anything in return. She won't even get angry and demand and take what she wants. She's been controlling from the sidelines this whole time.

Mom said not to think too hard about it. Shouto revealed that he hadn't been told and she said just to enjoy the party in the moment. That's all. Just focus on the present.

She could've forgotten. Fuyumi could've just forgotten that she was supposed to tell Shouto.

But then why would she lie?

Maybe she forgot about that, too. Maybe she forgot that mom told her to tell Shouto. Maybe she forgot that it wasn't just the nurses and patients allowed to attend.

Anyways, it's just a party. It doesn't matter that much.

"I saw my dad," Shouto avoids Aizawa's wanted confession. "He apologized to me in person, this time."

Aizawa straightens, "Are you okay?"

A nod, because he's fine. He didn't get hit.

Actually, his own personal hero came to save him and take him out for ramen.

"My brother got me out of there," he says, a small smile playing at his lips. "We ate ramen in his car."


Shouto throws a blank look to Aizawa, "Why does it matter?"

Aizawa smirks, "Because I'd like to know?"

Shouto stares for a moment too long, before giving the most confused expression he can muster. "No, he took me to a local shop."

Aizawa pulls out a pen from his office cup, while sliding a sticky note pad over. Clicking the pen, "Got a name?"

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