Numbing Disquietude

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He remembers how his family would get. Keeping him at home as long as they possibly could, just to spend time with him. He'd be smothered with hugs he never minded as much as he acted like he did, kisses from aunts and grandmas, and of course, his mother, who loves to humiliate him in front of the cousins.

It's always been done with good intent. With the knowledge that they're all comfortable with being at the selected place and that they'll be loved unconditionally. There's always food and warmth and music, with his uncles all singing poorly to an old song Aizawa only recognizes because he visits them so often.

He's got his own family Christmas party tomorrow, in the morning because his grandmother and grandfather are so old they go to bed at three, and a few other relatives have work in the afternoon. He plans to help set up, early in the morning. When the turkey is still being made and it's all his and his dad's privilege to sneak a piece or two out of the oven while mom isn't looking.

He's excited, but first, he's got to get through whatever awaits him at the Todoroki household. He isn't sure what to expect, he knows Todoroki will probably be very quiet about it, very distraught, even if he doesn't want to show it.

Logically speaking, it should be quick. Todoroki's father signed an overnight form. The deadline was 6:30, and they missed that deadline. So, here he is, per Nedzu's policy, driving to pick his student up and bring him to the dorms.

Of course, he's talked with Fuyumi, before. She controls conversation like no other he's met, she knows just is to change a topic smoothly and has a sweet voice that makes you listen, even if you couldn't care less about what's being said. No doubt, she'll put that brain of hers to work, and talk Aizawa's ear off.

He'll consider it 30 minutes.

Not to mention, Todoroki had mentioned his brother being there. Aizawa wants to meet the man, see what he's like, and whether he's good for Todoroki or not.

Add on about ten minutes, he's looking at forty minutes before he's free to take Todoroki and go.

He should consider Endeavor, the man might question him on policies and grading rubrics again, asking how his son is doing and if he seems diligent.

That's another ten or twenty minutes, which means he's looking at about an hour of words he doesn't want to exchange with people.

Stepping out of his car, he sighs, mentally preparing for human contact. He sniffs the air, the atmosphere around the house smelling of food.

Maybe, if he's lucky, he'll get to take a box home with him.

1 hour and 5 minutes.

The walk up an endless flight of stairs fit for a palace is tiring enough to want some food within the next thirty seconds. His stomach growls and he wills the sounds to stop while he's in the presence of such an important family.

(Not that he holds any respect for at least half of them.)

He knocks loudly at the door, so that he can make his own presence known. It's a matter of two full minutes before he raises his fist again. Before it makes contact with the wooden frame of the sliding door, the door slides open, a woman with white and red hair smiling. She looks shocked, her smile a little too tight and wide. Her eyes are puffy, behind her glasses, red and irritated. The sclera of her eyes are veiny and red, and her nose is stuffy as she breaths in.

"Hi! Can I help you?" Her voice is raspy, like she's been overusing it.

Aizawa clears his throat, "Yes, I'm Aizawa Shouta, a teacher from UA's Hero Course." He pauses, sneaking a glance behind the woman to see a man with white hair walking over. She steps aside and he takes his place beside her, holding out his hand.

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