4 ;; Passing the time

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A/N: Moving on, I try uploading every day, or every each week. (I get more motivation by having a lot of notifs in my notification box /srs)

You're almost done with your recovery... But, uhm, there are new people who have come to the Butterfly Estate. For a reason you don't know yet!

And theres still that decision you have to mask, whether to request a Hashira meeting and talk about it — or not.

Suddenly, one of the new arrivals break the long ensued silence. "Hello, Seishin-san!" Kamado greets with a smile. "You're that girl who helped intervene with my farce with the other Hashira, right? Thank you!"

"Huh?" You say blankly, a little confused. Did he just thank you? Wait, what?

"Ha—HASHIRA?! Isn't she a regular Demon Slayer!!?" A yellow-haired boy yelled anxiously, seeming to be one of those cowardly people.

"... Oh wow. Does it really look like I don't fit in with the other Hashira?" You avert your gaze solemnly with an open frown, elicitting the yellow-haired boy to scream 'NO!!!'.

"You're really pretty~!" He starts to get all giddy as he randomly slips in a compliment, before completely pausing. "Wa...wait, what?"

"??" Sloping your head, the confusion settles in even harder.

"Aha..." Kamado coughs, "Seishin-san, this is Agatsuma Zenitsu. Zenitsu, she is the a Hashira — as I've heard it!"

You blink your focus to Kamado before doing a little nod to back up his words, also not really having any words to say...–

"But... I don't remember your face at all! Though you do look really pretty~!" Zenitsu then starts slipping back into his all happy 'n giggly mode, making your lips part with a corner tugged down in disgust.

"I was in the final selection with you both. Surprising, right...? Aha...–" Averting your stare for the nth time, silence begins to ensue for a short moment.

"H–huh?" The red-head stutters out a baffled sound. "But... A month — eh?"

"EEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!!?" Zenitsu emits an even louder dumbfounded sound, his screamed out word making birds leave their nests.

"... Is a month that short?" You murmur to yourself in confusion.

"ZENITSU!!" Aoi enters the room with the Shoji doors rolling open loudly — a maddened expression on her face quickly melting away at the sight of you. "Oh, Sei-san!"

"... I told you there aren't any needs for formalities — Aoi," you smile back awkwardly while the girl walks closer to Zenitsu.

"It's time to drink your medicine. And refrain from screaming like that when the 10th Pillar is here." Emphasizing 'refrain', she grits her teeth with annoyance.

"Uh... Aoi–"

"Yes, [ N/N ]?" Before you could even finish your sentence, Aoi cuts you off with a blank expression.

"Oh, uh—"



The sound echoed loudly, mortifying you as a female Kakushi had randomly entered through the still-open door and whacked Zenitsu's head. "Have some respect, you fool!!"

Oh...– It's Ki-san, or at least thats what she told you to call her eagerly. Though the memory of it remains still and fresh in your mind, as she specifically pleaded for you to not use honorifics but well... You were unwavering, let's say that.

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