Chapter Eleven

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Toby and I sat on his bed. He started to leaf through pictures before he suddenly looked confused.

I tilt my head to the side. "Is something wrong?" I ask quietly.

"Oh, yeah. It's just I'm missing some drawings. There are two drawings of you and one that was my friend from back then. I made sure to pocket it before... you know..." Toby drew to silence.

He's explained his past to me before, so I knew what the silence was referring to. I nodded silently.

There was a quiet moment before Toby continued to sift through the box. Pulling out the brown ribbon, he handed it to me very gingerly.

Feeling the ribbon in my hand, it was like a door opened up in my mind. "Molly... This is Molly's bow..." My mumbled voice was wavering and barely audible.

"Wh-what?" Toby asked, almost as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

I piped up just a little. "This is M-M-" I was so rudely interrupted by a mild ticcing session. Once I calmed back down, I continued. "This is Molly's bow. I th-thought she burned with the rest of the house..." I said, my voice still wavering.

"H-How did you know her name? There are only three people who knew the name of the bear because she-" Toby said before I cut him off.

"She was a bear I had since I was three years old. She was a gift from my Nana for my birthday. She was white and smelled like chocolate." I explained the meaning behind the bear in great detail.

There was another quiet moment of Toby processing this sudden information. "You're her, aren't you...?" He asked. His caramel-brown eyes welled up with tears. "You're Angel Packters... You burned your parent's house down a week after you'd gone missing..." Toby filled in the blanks of my backstory with the knowledge that he now knew. He looked at me full of hope that I would be the one he'd been looking for all these years.

"That... That's my last name? I remember being abandoned at the park the day after my birthday... I didn't know exactly how long I was lost, but I managed to get out of the park's extensive trails and found my way home." I said, filling in the fine details. "I walked to your house, but you weren't there... I just knew something bad happened to you, and losing you made me snap. I took a gas can and walked to my house, broke in, took care of my parents, led a gas trail out down the driveway. I had one of Dad's lighters and tossed it into the gasoline, lighting the entire house on fire. I went into hiding for a few months, and you and Hoodie found me." I explained.

Toby nodded. "What do you immediately remember about me?" Toby asked, feeling desperate for more information.

"Don't tell me, You were actually the kid that climbed the tallest pine tree in front of the school and launched yourself onto the roof? That's my most vivid memory of you." I said with a smile.

"Oh gosh, you remember THAT of all things? I was suspended for three days." My brunette cru-BEST FRIEND, WE JUST FOUND OUT WE WERE FRIENDS BEFORE OUR DEATHS. I DON'T HAVE TIME TO THINK OF HIM ROMANTICALLY, laughed as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Of course!! And I skipped school those three days and got soooo grounded for it!!" I chuckled.

"No wonder why we're s-" Toby was interrupted by a tic. "We're so close we've been best friends since damn near diapers!" He said as he stood up and scooped me up into a tight hug, holding me by my thighs.

I wrapped my arms and legs around my brunette best friend and held him tight like a koala bear. "Now we both know we'll never be alone!!" I said with a big smile as I burrowed my face in the crook of his neck.

Toby rested his head on mine and smiled. "Ever since I found you in the woods, I knew I wouldn't ever be alone again. You just made it better by being the one I've been searching for all these years." He replied.

Our happy moment was ONCE AGAIN, interrupted by Masky. "Awwwwe, Look! The Twitcher Twins are having fun together! Not too much fun, right, Toby? We wouldn't want to scare little Rags over here!" He said in a condescending tone.

Toby dropped me, but thank goodness I caught my footing. (Damn it, Toby, you need to stop doing that!!) I thought to myself.

Toby's caramel brown eyes darted between Masky and me twice over. He saw how frustrated by getting interrupted, so he shot me a look and gave me a smile that clearly read "Go sick 'em girl,"

I caught that look and nodded right back at him. Slowly walking up to Masky, I gave him the biggest fake smile that my stitches would allow. "Please, if you don't mind, could you repeat that? I have a slight earache and can't hear as well." I said with almost sickening sweetness.

"Little Toby's afraid that if he played like you the way he wanted to, He'd break you like the little toy you are," Masky replied, full of hate.

The easiest way to take down people bigger than me is simple. Swing, Stagger and take advantage when they're down. That's why I play tank when I game with Lynnie and Izzy. It's never failed me when I'm out and have to kill, so I know it won't fail me now. While Masky was laughing at his own joke, He didn't hear the last thing I said before he got a hard fist to the stomach; "Bring. It. On. TIMOTHY."

Within seconds, he was on the floor, taking each and every swing that my frame could muster.

I snapped off his mask and threw it up the hall before wailing down on his bare face.

Ben and Lynnie were headed to her room and noticed us in the hall, so Lynnie dashed off to get Slendy.

As soon as Slendy got here, it took both Ben and Toby to pull me off of Masky while Slendy was holding my target away from me. I looked crazed, with a rabid look in my eye as I continued to claw in his direction and tried to fight my way out of the boys' superior hold. I was slowly coming down from my murder high and regained my senses. "Tobias, please take Angel to her room. NOW." Slendy said as he pointed to my room.

After taking me off to my room, Toby closed the door and locked it behind himself.

I look at my caramel-eyed best friend and take a deep breath. "You've been waiting for the day I got to kick his ass, haven't you?" I said as a smile slowly started to crack across my stone-cold face.

"Oh, honey, you know it. I'm glad you got the closure of beating the hell out of him instead of me. He'd just keep bullying me if you didn't." Toby said with a smirk.

"So we finally got the chance..." I said as I dragged an old toy box to the middle of the room. "Are we doing this or not?" I ask with a full-on grin.

Things were about to get really interesting, really quickly.

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