Chapter Thirteen

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The kind of eye contact that locked Toby and me together was menacing. His cocky smirk wasn't helping. I was ready for anything. Ask me anything else, I would have been able to answer proudly. However, my caramel-eyed crush must have known how to make me suffer.

I finally broke eye contact to get a sense of my thinking abilities back. I looked at the last piece of candy, then Toby, then to the floor. When I successfully collected myself, I gave him his answer. "Never."

The boy with the mop of chocolate-brown hair faltered in his "Cool Guy" aura that he was trying to intimidate me with. Toby's right eye twitched twice, and I knew my answer. "Are y-you sure about that?" He asked, still trying to have control over the situation.

"Tobias. Erin. Rogers. Give me. The damn candy. NOW." I said as I gave him a glare and a devilish grin. I had him beat. His right eye only twitches when he's trying to hide something from me.

My crush sighed and went to hand me the last candy.

I held out my hand so he could give it to me, but he paused.

"Toby, I was right. You've never had your first kiss. Let me have my candy. It's only fair-" I said as I noticed Toby's expression changing.

His face went blank before ticcing and launching himself onto me, pinning me to my grey carpet with a loud "OOOF!!"

I look up at Toby in my currently immobile state and shake my head. "Tobster waffle, you don't have to be such a sore loser. Let me up and let me have my candy." I said, the playfulness slowly draining from my voice due to my discomfort.

Toby shook his head in denial. "No."

I was shocked. "Uh, what do you mean 'No?' I won, I get my candy. Why are you acting like th-" I was trying to question him but I got cut off.

Toby shook his head and got on top of me "I said No, and No means No." the brunette boy denied me freedom or answers again.

"Toby, what the actual fuck are you doing? Y-You-" I start to shake because being pinned down by my crush was extremely emotionally confusing. "Y-Y-You know I h-hate being re-restrained!!" I almost shouted.

"I'm not moving until I get some information," Toby said as he tightened his grip on my wrists.

I start to shake even more violently. "y-yoohoo!! Y-y-yoohoo!!" I chirped one of my verbal tics at Toby, hoping that he'd at least calm me down if he wasn't letting go of me

Thankfully, Toby whistled like a bird right back at me.

Another "Yoo-hoo!" escaped my lips as I squirmed.

Toby continued to whistle, calming me down quickly.

One more drawn out "Yoo... yoo-hoo..." I slowed my squirming and managed to get my entire focus on Toby. I just had to practice the mindfulness exercises Cassie and Lynnie taught me. With the help of Toby's whistling and my re-centering my breathing, I managed to calm down.

Toby let go of my wrists and sat up on my lap. "Are you w-willing to t-talk now?" He asks with a calming smile

Oh my gosh, I want to punch him in his perfect face sometimes. Ughh. "I will l-literally tell y-you A-ANYTHING your p-poor heart desires if you p-p-promise you'll get off of me." My stutter was alarmingly prominent.

The caramel-eyed heartthrob of mine thought for a second. "Okay. So what I want to know... What I NEED to know is if YOU have ever had your first kiss?" Toby asks as he holds me down by my wrists again, but much softer this time.

Have I gotten to mention the fact that I am like, literally dying right now? The past few hours have been an emotional turmoil of neverending mindfucks between Toby and me. Maybe it's one-sided? If so, what about the way he's been behaving since yesterday and then what we found about each other earlier and also this extremely intrusive question he asked me? But... What if it's not-

Toby pulls my hands above my head. "Marie. I asked you a question. I'm not g-getting up until you answer me. D-dem's the rules!" He said, regaining my focus.

"Oh! Uh, me? I-I've never h-had my first k-kiss either. Always thought I w-w-wanted to save it for s-s-someone special and-" I was explaining before I was cut off once again.

This time I didn't have the heart to protest. That was the case only because it was Toby planting a kiss right on my lips. Holy fluff, he tastes like maple syrup. My crush let go of my wrists and had one hand to hold my side and one to hold my face.

As I melt into the kiss, my eyes flutter closed.

We had been quietly making out for about two minutes before Toby, unfortunately, pulled away. "So that's what it feels like..." He mumbled but was loud enough for me to hear.

I tilted my head to the side to silently ask what he meant.

"Your lips are way softer than they look. Oh, and keep buying that chapstick you're currently using." He said with a shy smile. He raised himself off of me and flopped by my side, giving me a goofy grin.

I sat there. My face was graphically red. "Uh... Thanks..." I said, feeling my blush brighten my face even more.

The room was so quiet that we could hear each other's heartbeats start to synchronize.

It was almost unbearable. I couldn't stand just laying here and being silent about something that just blew my mind.

Toby reaches across from me and pulls me onto my side. We both prop ourselves up on our elbows. "Marie, You know you're bad at keeping secrets." He said as he played with my fingers in his hand.

My heart dropped to my ankles. "W-what do you m-mean?" I ask almost in a whisper.

Toby smiles. "I've known about your sudden realization. You're just bad at hiding it." He boops me on the nose before continuing. "I'm sorry if I made you think I was uninterested. My emotions kind of turn on and off like a switch. I'm still in the process of keeping them on at all times. But that leads me to ask about the last time we played Candy For Truth. Why did you choose Clocky? Did you not see yourself as a worthy candidate?" He chuckled.

I give out a grumbling sigh. "I thought you liked Clocky because after getting all emotionally attached to you and shit, You always seemed to prefer being around her, at least for about two weeks. What was up with that?" I asked, trying to hide my mild jealousy.

"Oof, I had a f-feeling you would ask about that. Well, that two weeks was just her l-literally bossing me a-around and me w-w-worshiping the g-ground she walked on b-because she was meant to be a re-rebound. I was intending on ge-getting with her so I could get over you, but her idea of being together was just a bunch of fetch quests to make her kill jobs easier on her." He said.

I shook my head. "In w-what sense w-would that be a g-good idea? W-why didn't you w-want to just give it a go? I w-would have most likely said y-yes to at least trying." I eased your fears.

Toby thought about my reply. "Are you willing to give me another chance to ask you?" He asked me. Receiving a nod in response. Toby smiled. "Angel Marie Patches, W-w-will you d-do me the honors of b-being my g-girlfriend?" He asked as he pulled my chin closer to his.

My face turned a bright shade of red, and I stumbled out a happy "Y-y-yes!!!"

Toby smiled at me and started to click, a fast 1, 2, 3.

I clicked back at him the same way and smiled. My smile was so big because he knew the "Code of Three." It's a little thing that Cassie taught to E.J., he taught it to Ben, he taught it to Lynnie, she taught it to Jeff, he taught it to Izzy, she taught it to me, and I taught it to Toby and Delilah. Three taps, three bumps, three pokes, or in Toby and I's case, three clicks. Three clicks are for my three favorite words, I Love You.

Toby and I spent the rest of the night cuddling and clicking at each other until sleep fell on us.

What a great way to end such a crazy day.

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