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Amelia's POV

The early morning sun kissed my skin, as the light wind opened my eyes to a new day. "Goodmorning, Beautiful." Daniel placed a cup onto the nightstand and sat beside me. His smile was as warm as the beams of light casting into the bedroom.

"Hi. What time is it?" My body rose with a slight tremble, "I didn't sleep in?"

Daniel handed me the cup of coffee. "You have enough time to get ready. Breakfast with Miley and her mom, remember?"

I nodded. "Yes. Whose idea was it to invite your ex-wife, again?"

Daniel placed the palm of his hand against my cheek. "Your crazy, sweet idea, my love." He chuckled softly, "Sydney's harmless. I'm sure she's happy for us."

"I hope she is. It'll be nice to get to know her and Miley better."

His hand moved along the slope of my neck and towards my shoulder blade. "Amelia, my daughter already adores you. And her mom might become your new best friend."

The curve of my lips tensed. "That's wishful thinking. With my luck, she'll object at our ceremony."

"Don't be silly. That's the last thing Sydney would do. I assure you."

"And what makes you certain? You're quite a catch. She might try to steal you back." I nudged him teasingly. He rolled his shoulders backward with an unreadable sadness lingering in his eyes.

"Please don't worry." Daniel took my hands in his. "All I want is to spend the rest of my life with you. Nothing can change that."

I smiled. "That's all I want too." When he kissed me, I felt my nervousness ease. "I love you."

"I love you too, Amelia."

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