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Amelia's POV

I knocked on the door, impatiently hoping that she'd be as happy to see me as I was to see her. When the door swung open, I braced myself. "Amelia?" Miley stared at me with narrowed eyes. "Thought you might be my mom. Any chance you ran into her and talked some sense into that stubborn brain of hers?"

I inhaled a deep breath to try to calm myself down. "No. Uh. Where is she?"

Miley leaned against the doorframe. "At the airport," she mumbled. "She thinks—"

"The airport? She's leaving?" I stormed past Miley and looked around the room, hoping that Syd was still there. "Do you know when is her flight?"

"No, I don't. She left abruptly. She'll be fine. It's just awkward for her," Miley said.

"Awkward?" I looked at Miley. Nervousness spread through my chest. "What's awkward? Nothing's awkward. Nothing happened—"

"Amelia, are you okay?"

I reached for something to hold me up. "Yeah, yeah. Uh, did she say anything? Before she left?"

"Just that she doesn't think she should be at the wedding."

"Miley, when did she leave?"

Miley looked at me skeptically. I hoped that her intoxicated brain wouldn't remember our conservation. But I also didn't care about anything else than finding Syd.

"Almost two hours ago. Amelia, I wouldn't push her. You should focus on your—"

"I just—I need to find her. That's all."


"Miley, is your mom's maiden name Gallagher?"

Miley nodded slowly. "Yeah. Why—uh, why do you," she shook her head, "what's going on?"

The confirmation made me panic even more. "Nothing. I should—" Miley walked in front of me to stop me from leaving. "I need to go, Miley."

"Not until you tell me what's going on. You're acting crazy, Amelia."

"I want to talk to her, that's all."

"Amelia, she's gone. Are you going to run to the airport just to talk to her? About what?"

"Give me her number then. Please?"

Miley stepped forward and placed her hands on my shoulders. "If this is about dad, she has no interest in being a problem in—"

"I know, I know." I frantically shook my head. "It's not that. I know she'd never do that. I just need to—need to—"


Miley impatiently waited for me to answer. I didn't know what to say. What could I say?

"I realized something—I—" fumbling for words, I stepped back against a wall. "Please? I'll try to explain it but not now. I don't want her to leave without me being able to talk to her."

"It's that important?"

I nodded. "Yes. Very."

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