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Amelia's POV
Two months later

After leaving Daniel at the altar, I buried my time into figuring out what I wanted out of life. And that created a rift between me and everyone.

Looking at pictures from when I was young, I stumbled across ones of Syd. It's hard to believe that the young girl in those photos was the same woman I met in Hawaii.

"Amelia." I heard knocking on my door. "Open the damn door!"

"Mom, lower your voice." I swung the door open and noticed her with a suitcase beside her. "Where are you going?"

"You mean where are we going!"

I narrowed my eyes at her. "And where is that?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'm taking you to Miami!"

"Mom, I don't want to go to Miami." From the look in her eyes, I already knew that she was up to something.

"You've been moping around for weeks. A nice tan and drinks and—"

"I've had enough beaches since my failed wedding. I just want some time alone."

She pushed her way past me and dragged her suitcase with her. "If you're thinking about her that much, why not give her a call?"

"I'm not."

"Come on. You're telling me that you don't like her? I don't care if you're bisexual, Amelia. Just find someone to settle down with and give me some grand-babies. I've waited forty damn years for you to—"

"Mom," Amelia held up her hand. "Stop, please?"

"I'll stop if you come with me on this trip. You need to get out of the funk."

"Fine." I grumbled. "But only for one night. Unlike you, I have a job and plants to water."

She waved her hand dismissively. "One night is more than enough. Go pack your bikini and some sunscreen and let's go."

I wasn't looking forward to the drive. But some time away from my routine life seemed worth doing.

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