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Sydney's POV

There was a strange emptiness when I got home. It wasn't because I was alone. Or because of my minimalist decor. There was a gaping tear in my heart. I missed my daughter. I missed the family I created when I married Daniel. And I missed the woman that I was never able to forget. The years made me think of her less and less. But she was always somewhere in the back of my mind.

A sudden shame washed over me. I always wondered what it would have been like if Amy actually liked me. And I'd gotten my answer twenty years later. But faith had a way of screwing with my heart. She wasn't mine to have. She was Daniel's. And I needed to accept that. I did accept it. That's why I left. And that's why I planned to stay as far away as I could.

I decided to finally call Miley. "Mom, did you get home safe? Are you okay? I've called you like a hundred times!"

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm home. I'm all good."

"I was so worried about you. I still am. Mom, you have no reason to feel guilty about—"

"I'm okay, Miley. Enjoy yourself? Call me tomorrow. I need some space right now."

I heard her grumble. "Fine. The wedding's about to start soon anyway."

"I love you, honey."

"Yeah, love you too."

When she hung up, my body sunk to the floor in defeat. I had missed calls from Daniel and another number I didn't know. But I wasn't going to talk to Daniel or anyone else that day. I couldn't attempt to explain myself without feeling guilty. They were getting ready to seal a knot that would bond them forever. I wouldn't interrupt that.

I had no energy or will to move. And the only thing that I could think of was how beautiful the bride must look.

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