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Amelia's POV

I began to pace the reception room. It looked perfect. Everything was exactly what I wanted it to be. Yet I felt tense. "Where's my little brother?" Jackie walked in, a disheartened look on her face.

"He's somewhere, I don't know," I said. Jackie pulled a chair and sat down. "Something wrong?"

She leaned her head backward. "Nothing that I should tell you about. Daniel would kill me." Jackie wasn't subtle about secrets. And her mouth often got her in trouble.

"Hm. Seems important then."

"It's not. You and Daniel getting married, that's what's important." I noticed the twitch of her eye. She had something on her mind. And I didn't mind focusing on her problems rather than mine.

"Come on, tell me. Is it about Sydney?" Daniel's ex was the first name to emerge from my lips. There was something about her. Something that I couldn't put my finger on.

"No? Amelia, it's really not my place to say anything regarding them."

I narrowed my eyes on her. Them. I already knew where this vague conversation was heading. "You mean their feelings for eachother?"

Jackie's eyes widened. "You know? How?"

I pulled a chair for myself. "They were married and have a kid. Of course they have feelings for each other."

Jackie looked at me as though I was oblivious. "Theirs is deeper than you think, trust me."

"I'm not worried," I also tried to convince myself. Of course, I'd questioned the pain in Daniel's eyes every time we talked about his ex-wife. But I always brushed it off as him regretting missing out on most of Miley's childhood.

"I guess you don't have to be. Sydney does prefer women."

"Oh?" I considered what Jackie said for a moment. "No, she's not."

"He didn't tell you?" I considered how Sydney's eyes glanced at the women in the sauna with us. But I looked at women too. I didn't think it meant that she was into women.

"Hm. I guess I really have no reason to worry then," I said.

Jackie reached for my hand and squeezed. "It's the ones who don't seem threatening who get ya."

"I really am not worried. I'm just curious as to why Daniel never mentioned that about her."

"He's insecure about it. She did leave him because she fell in love with a woman."

My eyes flickered around the room. It worried me that he wasn't completely honest about his divorce. "Is Sydney still with her?"

"No, they broke up a long time ago. Talk about a messy breakup. That's karma. Break someone's heart, you'll get yours broken."

"Hm." Putting the pieces together, I realized that Jackie's issues had become mine. "I'm gonna head in for the night, okay?"

"Yeah? Me too." Jackie looked at me skeptically. "Have a good night?"

"Yeah. I'll try."

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